What is a encephalocele definition?

What is a encephalocele definition? Encephalocele is a sac-like protrusion or projection of the brain and the membranes that cover it through an opening in the skull. Encephalocele happens when the neural tube does not close completely during pregnancy. Are humans born with a hole in their head? What is an encephalocele? An encephalocele (pronounced […]

Which group do mosquitoes and butterflies belong?

Which group do mosquitoes and butterflies belong? Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Temporal range: Early Jurassic–Present, Class: Insecta (unranked): Amphiesmenoptera Order: Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758 Suborders What is the classification of moths? InsectsLepidoptera / ClassInsects are pancrustacean hexapod invertebrates of the class Insecta. They are the largest group within the arthropod phylum. Insects have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part […]

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