What does the IUCN Red List identify?

What does the IUCN Red List identify? What data are available on The IUCN Red List? The IUCN Red List provides information about the geographic range, population size, habitat and ecology, use and trade, threats and conservation actions for species. For a full explanation of all the information available, see the Supporting Information page. What […]

How do you plant a lignum vitae?

How do you plant a lignum vitae? Lignum-vitae can be grown in full sun or partial shade on a wide variety of soils, including alkaline. Plants will easily tolerate wet or dry soil, wind, and salt, making it an ideal choice especially for seaside plantings. How fast does lignum vitae grow? about 18 to 24 […]

What is Sagotra marriage?

What is Sagotra marriage? Marriages and gotras. The compound word ‘sagotra’ is a union of the words ‘sa’ and ‘gotra’, where ‘sa’ means same or similar. It is common practice in preparation for Hindu marriage to inquire about the kula-gotra (clan lineage) of the bride and groom before approving the marriage. What is Sagotra and […]

How is Rhodococcus equi transmitted?

How is Rhodococcus equi transmitted? Rhodococcus equi infection in human patients is thought to be acquired by inhalation, inoculation into a wound or mucous membrane, or ingestion. The soil is believed to be the most common source of infectious organisms. Why is it called Rhodococcus? Called Rhodococcus because of its ability to form a red […]

Where is 68w stationed?

Where is 68w stationed? They should be placed in bunkers and by wounded men in a heavily fortified area, or they run across and carry men while others cover fire. Always go to your CO because combat medics want promotions so they will stick by their CO. Where do 88 mikes get stationed? If a […]

What is mass movement erosion?

What is mass movement erosion? Mass movements are defined as processes of erosion, transport and accumulation of material that occur on both gentle and steep slopes mainly owing to gravitational forces. Thus, mass movements results in levelling and forming of landscapes. Different types of mass movements occur such as landslides or solifluction. How is mass […]

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