Who killed the celestial knowhere?

Who killed the celestial knowhere? God Emperor Doom During the Secret Wars storyline, Knowhere is shown to be the Moon that orbits Battleworld. Its origin is that this Knowhere is the head of a Celestial that came to collect Battleworld but was slain in battle by God Emperor Doom and its head is still in […]

What is a good P&L percentage?

What is a good P&L percentage? What is a good profit margin? You may be asking yourself, “what is a good profit margin?” A good margin will vary considerably by industry, but as a general rule of thumb, a 10% net profit margin is considered average, a 20% margin is considered high (or “good”), and […]

Que es el ahorro?

¿Qué es el ahorro? El ahorro es la porción de las rentas que el individuo decide no destinar hoy a su consumo. Entonces, reserva ese capital fuera cualquier riesgo para cubrir una necesidad o contingencia futura. ¿Qué son los tipos de ahorro en Economía? En economía, existen dos entes principales. Por un lado se encuentra […]

Is Toyota making 2022 vehicles?

Is Toyota making 2022 vehicles? Toyota has focused much of its 2022 car and minivan updates around special edition vehicles. Three hybrid models receive Nightshade Editions, the Sienna minivan a Woodland Edition, and the GR Supra gets a carbon-fiber-infused A91-CF Edition. Also check out Toyota’s 2022 lineup of trucks. Why are there no new Toyotas […]

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