What can cause hilar lymphadenopathy?

What can cause hilar lymphadenopathy? Hilar lymphadenopathy is commonly seen with fungal infections, mycobacterial infections, and sarcoidosis. What causes bilateral hilar adenopathy? Fungal infections, most notably histoplasmosis and coccidioidomycosis, cause unilateral or bilateral adenopathy. Sarcoidosis causes bilateral and symmetrical adenopathy in most patients (see Fig. 5‐11). Silicosis and coal‐worker’s pneumoconiosis are also commonly associated with […]

What causes puffy eyes in pregnancy?

What causes puffy eyes in pregnancy? Puffy Eyes It’s common for women to develop puffiness around their eyes or on the eyelids. Once again, you can blame it on the hormonal changes that occur when you’re expecting. If the swelling is severe and is accompanied by symptoms of preeclampsia, such as a severe headache, contact […]

Can you eat trumpet fish?

Can you eat trumpet fish? Trumpetfish Sashimi While trumpet fish is sold in some markets as table fare it is not a common food fish. Most people eat it raw as sashimi using the aforementioned filleting method. How big can a trumpet fish get? The maximum reported length of the trumpetfish is 39.4 inches (100cm) […]

Can civilians buy an f15?

Can civilians buy an f15? The answer is a surprising ‘yes! ‘. As soon as an airplane is demilitarized it can be bought by members of the general public. Can you buy retired military aircraft? Yes it is possible to buy old military aircraft; they are frequently listed in the pages of aircraft sales periodicals […]

What should ORACLE_HOME point to?

What should ORACLE_HOME point to? Set up the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the directory where the Oracle database client software is installed. Set the variable on the admin application server and each non-admin application server. What is the path for ORACLE_HOME in Windows? On Windows platform you can find oracle_home path in the […]

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