What do mass extinctions reflect?

What do mass extinctions reflect? Mass extinctions in the fossil record define the geological periods of the history, so they typically occur at the transition point between geological periods. The transition in fossils from one period to another reflects the dramatic loss of species and the gradual origin of new species. How would you describe […]

What are Rice Krispies squares made of?

What are Rice Krispies squares made of? Rice Krispies Treats (also called ‘Rice Krispie Treats’, ‘RKTs’, ‘bars’, or ‘buns’ and alternatively ‘cakes’, ‘Marshmallow Treats’, ‘Marshmallow Squares’, or ‘Rice Krispies Squares’ in Canada, and ‘LCMs’ in Australia) are a confection commonly made through binding Kellogg’s Rice Krispies or another crisp rice cereal … Why are Rice […]

What is conceptualization of learning?

What is conceptualization of learning? Conceptualising with theory is the process whereby students learn ways in which the concepts they are learning about connect, or are connected together, to form theories. It is the process through which concepts are contextualised, meaning is thickened and understanding is deepened. What is conceptual based learning? In a concept-based […]

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