How long is the pain supposed to last after an abortion?

How long is the pain supposed to last after an abortion?

After having an abortion, you’ll probably have some period-type pains, stomach cramps and vaginal bleeding. This should start to gradually improve after a few days, but can last for 1 to 2 weeks. This is normal and is usually nothing to worry about.

Can you get an abortion and IUD at the same time?

Women undergoing an abortion can have an intrauterine device (IUD) safely placed immediately after the procedure, with similar rates of expulsions and other complications, a randomized trial found.

How long after an abortion can you have a coil fitted?

The copper IUD can be fitted at any time during your menstrual cycle, as long as there is no possibility you could be pregnant. It can also be fitted immediately after a miscarriage or abortion under 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Why do I feel pain in my lower abdomen after abortion?

Cramping is usually caused by the uterus contracting to control bleeding. Do not be concerned if you experience mild cramping for several days. Cramping may be felt in the lower abdomen, back, inner thighs or legs.

What causes pain after abortion?

The most common cause of pain after an abortion, is a bacterial infection. Most infections are mild and can be treated with oral antibiotics. Post procedure pain or persistent pain after a medical abortion, can be caused by retained fetal or placental tissue, or blood clots.

Can copper t be inserted after abortion?

It has also been shown that an IUD can be inserted as soon as expulsion has been confirmed in cases of medical abortion [29]-[31]. Expulsion rates were no higher if the IUD was inserted 1 week after a medical abortion or during a 3−4-week postabortion follow-up visit [31].

Is IUD expulsion painful?

If your IUD has become partially dislodged or expelled completely, you may feel pain or discomfort. Other symptoms associated with expulsion include: severe cramping. heavy or abnormal bleeding.

What are the side effects of the coil?

Common IUD side effects include:

  • irregular bleeding for several months.
  • lighter or shorter periods or no periods at all.
  • symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which include headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, and skin blemishes.

Does the coil hurt?

It’s likely that you’ll feel minor pain and cramping during insertion. Some experience more significant cramping and pain. This may continue for a few days afterward. Most women find the pain tolerable and feel that the peace of mind that comes with using an effective birth control outweighs any pain or side effects.

Can the coil fall out without noticing?

If they cannot find the IUD with an ultrasound, the IUD may have discharged from the vagina without the person noticing. The doctor is likely to order an X-ray to make sure that the IUD did not penetrate the uterus.


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