Whats the definition for advantageous?

Whats the definition for advantageous?

Definition of advantageous : giving an advantage : favorable an advantageous opportunity.

What is the definition of characteristics in science?

Biology definition: A characteristic is a distinguishing quality, trait, or feature of an individual, thing, disorder, etc. It is often a distinctive mark, feature, attribute, or property of an individual or thing.

What is an example of advantageous?

Affording advantage; favorable or beneficial. The definition of advantageous is a person, place, or thing which is favorable or which is better than most. A home built high on a hill with a spectacular ocean view is an example of living somewhere advantageous.

What are the 7 characteristics of science?

Top 9 Main Characteristics of Science – Explained!

  • Objectivity: Scientific knowledge is objective.
  • Verifiability: Science rests upon sense data, i.e., data gathered through our senses—eye, ear, nose, tongue and touch.
  • Ethical Neutrality:
  • Systematic Exploration:
  • Reliability:
  • Precision:
  • Accuracy:
  • Abstractness:

What are the examples of characteristics?

Some examples of these types of character traits include:

  • Religious.
  • Honest.
  • Loyal.
  • Devoted.
  • Loving.
  • Kind.
  • Sincere.
  • Ambitious.

How do you use advantageous?

Advantageous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. It would be advantageous for the couple to buy the bedroom set while it was on sale.
  2. The students thought it would be advantageous if they sought out volunteer opportunities to put on their college applications.

What is the lowest point called?

What is another word for lowest point?

base foot
lowest level bottom
lowest part nadir
rock bottom bed
foundation nether portion

What are the 5 characteristics of science?

Five key descriptors for the scientific method are: empirical, replicable, provisional, objective and systematic.

What are the five distinguishing characteristics of science?

State five distinguishing characteristics of science. Which characteristic best serves to distinguish science from other disciplines? Science is testable, reproducible, explanatory, predictive and tentative. Testability is what distinguishes science.

How many characteristics will all living things have?

eight characteristics
All living organisms share several key characteristics or functions: order, sensitivity or response to the environment, reproduction, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy processing. When viewed together, these eight characteristics serve to define life. Figure 1.2A.

What is the meaning of the word advantageous?

Kids Definition of advantageous : giving a benefit especially that others do not have : giving an advantage A college degree is advantageous when job hunting. Other Words from advantageous

Is adadvantageous an adjective or noun?

Advantageous is an adjective. What is the scientific definition of selection? Selection, in terms of evolutions, is the process by which advantageous traits in a population are passed on by the carriers who are able to survive and reproduce due to the advantage that this trait gives them.

Are less advantageous traits passed on to the next generation?

Less advantageous traits are thus not “selected” and passed on to the next generation because these individuals are less “fit” for the environment and are out-competed by the individuals with the more advantageous traits. Therefore, only the traits that make an organism most “fit” for the environment are passed on.

What does it mean to have an advantage over someone?

to be in a better or more advantageous position (than). As she already knew French, she had an advantage over the rest of the class. to make use of (a situation, person etc) in such a way as to benefit oneself.


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