How many watts do you need for Chaeto?

How many watts do you need for Chaeto?

Chaeto needs both nutrients (nitrates, phosphate and other) and light to thrive. 19W or 23W Compact florescent bulb (daylight) is sufficient as far as the light is concern.

What light does a refugium need?

Having said that, the best light spectrum for growing Chaetomorpha macroalgae would be: No less than 50% of red light in the wavelength range of 630 to 700 nanometers. Between 10% and 15% of blue light in the wavelength range of 435 to 495 nanometers.

How many hours should refugium light be on?

Planted refugia seem to “work” just fine as long as they receive at least ten or twelve hours of intense light per day. Still, some aquarists run their lights 24 hours/day without any apparent ill effect.

Does Chaeto need white light?

Yes, the white will grow chaeto.

Should Chaeto tumble?

Chaeto by no means is required to tumble.

Does Chaeto grow without light?

Well-Known Member. You can go without it for now but won’t want it to die in your system or it’s just going to release nutrients back into the tank.

Does Chaeto absorb co2?

If copepods and amphipods are present in the aquarium system, the chaeto turf will be like a magnet to them. As pods concentrate in the algal mass, they swiftly consume any organic matter that may have accumulated there. As it photosynthesizes, the algae will consume carbon dioxide.

How many lights do I need for a 10 gallon refugium?

Refugium Lighting. A 10 Gallon space can be lit by a 26W Actual Watt (75W Equivalent) bulb. If you have a deeper or wider refugium you can put 1 extra bulb every 12-18 inches apart (or 1 single bulb on a motorized light rail if you want to get fancy). There are also LEDs of the plant spectrum.

How do you light up a refugium?

If you have a deeper or wider refugium you can put 1 extra bulb every 12-18 inches apart (or 1 single bulb on a motorized light rail if you want to get fancy). There are also LEDs of the plant spectrum. Par38 Refugium bulbs work very well too, and they fit in your CFL sockets!

What are the different types of refugium lighting?

There are 2 main types of Refugium Lighting. Plant Based- These refugiums are generally places for Macro algae like Chaetomorpha or Caulerpa. Mangroves are also grown in refugiums. These plants thrive under natural sunlight, or even a red spectrum.

What is the best refugium light for macroalgae?

For optimal efficiency in such a setup, you’ll need to provide the best refugium light for your chosen form of macroalgae to grow, usually Chaeto. This way the plant can grow quickly and suck the excess nutrients from the water.


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