Is HTML a BBCode?

Is HTML a BBCode?

BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can actually use BBCode in your posts on the forum is determined by the administrator. In addition you can disable BBCode on a per post basis via the posting form.

How do you write BBCode?

First you need to click A button at the bottom right corner > click BBCode button > type your text using BBCode tags. Click Send. As a result, the text is bolded and italicized.

How do I use BBCode?

Start by typing out a message, as you normally would. After you’re done, you can go back and add the following “codes” to your text for effects. All codes must, must, must be followed with a closing tag to end their effect. For example, “[b]H[/b]ello” would have the code cut off at the H, leaving the rest without bold.

How do I post a URL on a forum?

How to embed a “Clickable Link” in your forum posts

  1. Click on the “Link” icon:
  2. The Link dialog box will open:
  3. Navigate to the web-page you want to reference and “Copy” the URL from the address bar in the browser:
  4. Paste the URL into the “Link URL” box:
  5. Set the Target.
  6. Click “Insert.

How do you do spoilers in BBCode?

Write [spoiler]text[/spoiler] or [spoiler title=title]text[/spoiler] and it will hide the content on anywhere that you can render BBCodes.

How do I center an image in BBCode?

Re: How center image in post?? Find file “bbcode. html” in folder “template”. Insert tag . You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.

How do I upload a document to Yammer?

Upload a file from anywhere on your computer. Select a file that has already been uploaded in Yammer. Upload a file from SharePoint or OneDrive….Select a file that was previously uploaded in Yammer

  1. Select the Yammer icon .
  2. Locate the file you want.
  3. Click Select, and then click Post.

How do I pin a document in Yammer?

Pin resources to your community’s home page

  1. On the home page of the community, in the Pinned section, click the Plus sign.
  2. Select a file or a link to attach.
  3. The file or link will appear at the bottom of the Pinned section.

How do you announce on Yammer?

If you’re a group administrator, you can also make announcements to share need-to-know information with the entire group.

  1. Select Announcement.
  2. Type a title and enter your announcement.
  3. You can also attach a file, Notify specific people, or Add topics if you like.


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