What does Read-a-thon means?

What does Read-a-thon means?

Filters. An event during which people read books in order to raise money for charity. noun.

What is the purpose of a readathon?

The purpose of a readathon is to help you read more during that time period than you would any other time. Reading for long hours on the weekend with a cup of coffee is any reader’s paradise. So taking part in events like these encourages more people to read more.

What is Readathon speech?

Started by READ in 1989, the annual Readathon is a literacy awareness campaign which focuses on exciting activities and encourages the appreciation of the joy of reading.

How do you start a Read-a-thon?

How do I get started? Read-a-thons are simple to start. You just go to our home page and click on the Get Started button. The sign up process is easy to follow.

Is it readathon or read-a-thon?

Readathon Fundraisers A Read-a-thon Fundraiser is a way to raise money by getting people to support students who spend a few weeks focusing on reading. The fundraiser is based on the fact that a student is committed to reading more than normal.

Where does read-a-thon money go?

Read-a-thon processes donations in real time which means that we accept payment on your behalf and deposit all funds in a Bank of America account that is used to pay groups upon completion of their fundraisers. Groups can watch donations as they are made by visiting their fundraising dashboards.

What is read program?

1. reading program – a program designed to teach literacy skills. course of study, curriculum, syllabus, programme, program – an integrated course of academic studies; “he was admitted to a new program at the university” Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.

How long does a read-a-thon last?

7 Days Before First Reading Session Be sure to tell your readers that they will get a FREE prize when they build their page.

What do you understand by reading?

“Reading” is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.

Where does Read-a-thon money go?


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