What is the access code for Prestige Portraits?

What is the access code for Prestige Portraits?

Find Your Appointment Code Your Appointment Code was sent to you on a postcard or in an email from Prestige Portraits. Look for an 8-digit code of numbers and letters, like G3NZ-2XS7.

How do I get my digital copy of prestige portraits?

As soon as your Prestige Photography digital image is ready, you’ll receive an email directing you to Shutterfly.com. If you already have a Shutterfly account, you’ll simply log in to access your Lifetouch digital images. If you do not have a Shutterfly account, the email will direct you to create one.

Can you download Prestige Portraits?

The Portrait CD can be used to save and store your (hi-res) images for years to come. If you ever need to reprint your portraits you can use the files on the CD to print up to an 8×10 portrait.

Why are senior portraits so expensive?

Senior portraits are expensive because it’s a once in a lifetime event that requires more work from the photographer than regular school portraits. Normal school photos the children are lined up and spend no more than a few minutes in from of the camera. The pictures are all processed the same with no retouching.

Can you order old school pictures?

Help Center Content

Brand Ordering Cut-off
Lifetouch Schools (K-11) 11 months after picture day
JCPenney Portraits by Lifetouch Print orders online, must be done within 90 days of the session. Once you order high-resolution digital images, they will be available in your Shutterfly account

Are senior portraits full body?

No! The basic head and should yearbook picture is called a formal pose; Other types of senior pictures are often called casuals or informal pictures. These poses include full-length, indoor, outdoor, casual backgrounds, informal outfits, and photos with your best friend or your pet – we can do it all.

Are senior portraits mandatory?

They are “mandatory” in most schools for use in the yearbook.

Why is prestige photos so expensive?


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