How can I see all DB links in Oracle?

How can I see all DB links in Oracle?

Any user can query USER_DB_LINKS to determine which database links are available to that user. Only those with additional privileges can use the ALL_DB_LINKS or DBA_DB_LINKS view.

How do you check DB link is active or not?

We can verify public database link using select * from dual@public_db_link; How private db links can be verified by a DBA if application schema’s password is not known.

How do I troubleshoot a DB Link?

Fix a broken Oracle db link

  1. Ping the server.
  2. tnsping the server.
  3. test TNS at sqlplus: sqlplus scott/tiger@mydb.
  4. test inside sqlplus: select * from v$database@mydb.

How do I find my DB Link password?

First, let’s specify db links with passwordx value of 50 characters. Then, let’s find the encrypted password of this db link. Let’s find the clear text of the detected password. When you run the following procedure, you will see the clear text of the password in “Password: XXXXXXXXX”.

How does Oracle database link work?

When the database link in the preceding query is used, Oracle will log into the database specified by the database link, using the username and password provided by the link. It then queries the BOOKSHELF table in that account and returns the data to the user who initiated the query.

What are the basic link types available in Oracle Database?

Oracle Database lets you create private, public, and global database links. These basic link types differ according to which users are allowed access to the remote database: User who created the link. View ownership data through: Creates link in a specific schema of the local database.

What is a global link in Oracle Database?

When an Oracle network uses a directory server, the directory server automatically create and manages global database links (as net service names) for every Oracle Database in the network. Users and PL/SQL subprograms in any database can use a global link to access objects in the corresponding remote database.

What is the name of a database link?

Typically, a database link has the same name as the global database name of the remote database that it references. For example, if the global database name of a database is, then the database link is also called

What is a one-way database link?

A database link connection is one-way in the sense that a client connected to local database A can use a link stored in database A to access information in remote database B, but users connected to database B cannot use the same link to access data in database A.


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