How long does it take for a malleolus fracture to heal?

How long does it take for a malleolus fracture to heal?

In some cases, though, surgery has to be performed to align the bone and hold it together with metal plates, rods, or screws. In general, it takes at least 6 weeks for the broken malleolus to heal.

Can you walk with a posterior malleolus fracture?

You may walk on the foot as comfort allows. You will find it easier to walk with crutches in the early stages. If after six weeks you are: still experiencing significant pain and swelling or.

How long does it take for a lateral malleolus to heal?

Lateral malleolus avulsion fracture

Healing: This normally takes approximately 6 weeks to heal.
Pain and Swelling: The swelling is often worse at the end of the day and elevating it will help. Pain and swelling can be ongoing for 3-6 months. Take pain killers as prescribed.

How long does it take for lateral malleolus to heal?

When should a posterior malleolus fracture be fixed?

The treatment of ankle fractures with the involvement of posterior malleolus remains a subject of debate. Most authors recommend fixation when the fracture comprises >25% of the articular surface.

How can I reduce my posterior malleolus fracture?

Approaches to reduction and fixation of posterior malleolar fractures include indirect reduction with percutaneous fixation or direct reduction via open posterolateral, posteromedial or lateral transmalleolar visualization. Indirect reduction is most commonly utilized with the patient in a supine position.

Can a Volkmann’s fracture be fixed anatomically?

1. Principles If the Volkmann’s fracture has a significant proportion of the articular surface, it should be fixed anatomically. It is possible to obtain good access to the posterolateral fracture and fibular fracture through a single posterolateral approach.

How serious is a lateral malleolus fracture?

Most lateral malleolus fractures are considered stable ankle fractures and can be treated without surgery. Lateral malleolus fractures cause pain, swelling, and bruising around the ankle. Pain in other areas of the foot and ankle should be a reason to suspect a more serious ankle injury than an isolated lateral malleolus fracture.

What causes pain and swelling on the inner side of ankle?

Pain and swelling on the inner side of the ankle (along with a lateral malleolus fracture) may indicate the possibility of an injury called bimalleolar equivalent fracture —a specific type of unstable ankle fracture that may require surgery. Anyone with a lateral malleolus fracture should be examined for signs of a more serious,…

Is direct reduction of the Volkmann’s fragment possible?

Direct reduction of the Volkmann’s fragment is possible, facilitating anatomic reduction and fixation. This requires the patient to be positioned prone.


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