What happened in Scene 1 of Antigone?

What happened in Scene 1 of Antigone?

Scene One: Antigone tries to convince her sister Ismene to join her in burying their brother Polynices. Ismene refuses, because their uncle Creon has decreed that anyone who does will pay the penalty of death. Ismene joins them and tries to take Antigone’s side, but Antigone refuses to share her fate or her glory.

What is the first line of Antigone?

There is nothing—no pain, no ruin, [5] no shame, nor dishonor—that I have not seen in your sufferings and mine. And now what is this new edict that they say the general has just decreed to all the city?

How do you cite quotes from Antigone?

Always use parenthetical citation. For references to Antigone, put abbreviated name of play (Ant.) in parentheses with page number. For references to Inherit the Wind, use authors’ names and page number in parentheses (Lawrence and Lee 25).

What are Antigone’s last words?

Antigone Goes Against Orders Antigone protests Ismene’s involvement, and she welcomes her own death, saying ”I would not welcome such a fellowship. Go thine own way; myself will bury him.

What are man’s accomplishments according to ODE 1?

according to Ode1 what is the most wonderful of all the world’s wonder’s? man is the most wonderful of all the world’s wonders. of all the wind’s man has made himself secure against all except one which wind id that? man has not secured himself against the world of death.

How do you quote plays in an essay?

To cite a specific quotation from a play in MLA style, place the quotation in quotation marks (using slashes to indicate line breaks) and end with a parenthetical citation of author, name of play, and then page/act (for prose plays) or act/scene/line(s) (for verse).

How do you quote a line with no lines?

You could also cite dialogue, quote a play, or even cite multiple plays from one playwright. No matter what you need, when it comes to citing parenthetically, you’re covered in MLA style format. If your play has line numbers, you should use them in your in-text citation.

What was Antigone’s speech about?

In this monologue, the protagonist is about to be entombed in a cavern. Although she believes she goes to her death, she contends that she was justified in offering her brother his funeral rites. Yet, because of her punishment, she is uncertain about the ultimate goal of the gods above.

What does ode 1 talk about WARN or address for us in the play Antigone?

The Chorus sings an ode about how man dominates the earth and how only death can master him. But it warns that man should use his powers only in accordance with the laws of the land and the justice of the gods; society cannot tolerate those who exert their will to reckless ends.

What are the most important quotes from Antigone?

An Analysis of Important Quotes from Antigone. Quote: “Now you can prove what you are: / A true sister, or a traitor to your family.” (Prologue, 26-27). Analysis: Antigone calls out her sister, informing her that she’s either for her or against her. Quote: “When the laws are kept, how proudly his city stands!

What does Creon say will happen to Antigone and Ismene?

Creon says he will put Antigone and Ismene to death. Antigone protests Ismene’s involvement, and she welcomes her own death, saying ”I would not welcome such a fellowship.

What axiom does the chorus of Antigone State about fate?

Analysis: The chorus states a Thebean axiom regarding fate. On the surface, the chorus pities Antigone, the daughter/sister of Oedipus whose family is cursed by the gods. It also can be applied to Creon who is soon to be cursed by the gods for his unjust law. Quote: “Do not believe that you alone can be right.

What happens in this scene from Sophocles’ Antigone?

In this scene from Sophocles’ ‘Antigone,’ we meet Creon, who rules Thebes. Even the Theban elders in the Chorus seem afraid of Creon, who quickly becomes infuriated when he learns someone has tried to bury his nephew Polynices. The Chorus sings about combat so violent it almost destroys Thebes.


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