What are the 5 conservation categories of wildlife?

What are the 5 conservation categories of wildlife?

Hemant Singh. IUCN has classified species into categories of Extinct, Extinct in wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, etc based on data collected across the world.

Who started wildlife conservation in India?

Conservation in India found its roots when the killing of animals were strictly prohibited in and around the Ashramas (hermitages) allotted to Brahmanas. Around the third century BC, the founder of the Mauryan empire—Chandragupta Maurya, appointed a Kupyadhyaksha or Forest Department Head.

What are the two main aims of wildlife conservation?

The two main aim’s of wildlife conservation is: 1. to save endangered animals. 2. to take proper care of animals with their life.

How many wildlife conservation are there in India?

As of 2020-21, there are 981 protected areas including 104 National Parks, 566 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 97 Conservation Reserves and 214 Community Reserves. In addition there are 51 Tiger Reserves, 18 Biosphere Reserves and 32 Elephant Reserves.

Who started wildlife conservation?

The first inductee, Theodore Roosevelt, established the U.S. Forest Service, the nation’s first national wildlife refuges, three national parks, and dozens of national monuments. Twelve months later, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, and J.N. “Ding” Darling joined President Roosevelt in the Hall of Fame.

Why conservation of wildlife is necessary give any three main reasons?

1)Wildlife serves as gene pool for pest-resistant strains:- Scientists look for resistant strains in wild plants because wild plants have evolved features resistant to disease. 2)Wildlife enriches food production:-Bees, bats, birds, among other animals help plants become productive by serving as agents of pollination.

What is the history of wildlife conservation?

Wildlife conservation emerged as a social and political movement in the United States and Canada during the 19th Century. The movement was led by “sport hunters,” who decried the devastating losses of wildlife caused by “market hunters” – those who hunted for profit.

How does wildlife conservation work?

Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting animal species and their habitats. It is achieved partially through legislation such as the Endangered Species Act, the establishment and protection of public lands, and responsible public practices that conserve wild animal populations.

Why is it important to conserve wildlife give three reasons?

What is the history of wildlife conservation in India?

Then, the formation of the Wildlife Board at the national level and enactment of Wildlife Act in 1972 laid the foundation of present day “wildlife conservation” era in post-independent India. Henceforth, the Act has been amended several times and the National Wildlife Advisory Board has undergone various changes.

What did MK Ranjitsinh do for wildlife conservation?

In the history of wildlife conservation in India, MK Ranjitsinh stands out as a prominent figure. He joined the Indian Administrative Services in 1961 and in 1967 was posted to Mandla, Madhya Pradesh, where he helped save the central Indian Barasingha from extinction.

What is the Indian government doing to protect wildlife?

The Environmental Protection Act, 1986, and notifications issued thereunder made serious efforts to protect wildlife habitats and wildlife corridors. With the opening up of Indian market and process of globalisation, the country has made significant progress in achieving higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

What is the fauna of India like?

India is blessed to be the home of an incredibly large variety of fauna. From the tiniest of mammals, the Asian House Shrew, to the greatest, the Asian Elephant; the nation provides shelter to over 7.6% of all mammalian species. The Indian sky boasts of more than 1,300 avian species, having gleeful iridescent feathers.


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