How much sodium chloride do I mix with Menopur?

How much sodium chloride do I mix with Menopur?

NOTE: The usual amount of 0.9% Sodium Chloride, USP used to mix your Menopur is 1 mL.

How do you mix 1.5 vials of Menopur?

Turn the vial upside down and withdraw 1cc (1ml) of liquid. Slowly inject liquid into vial of Menopur powder. Gently swirl to mix completely. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw entire amount of the liquid/Menopur mixture.

How much is Menopur 75 IU?

Other Products: Price
Menopur 75 IU vial (75 IU FSH + 75 IU LH), 1 vial $87.90
Novarel 5,000 IU Vial $90
Novarel 10,000 IU Vial $180
Leuprolide acetate 2-week kit $449

Do you have to mix Menopur?

IMPORTANT: Do not mix Menopur until it is time to administer the injection. *You can use Q-cap rather than 22G 1-1/2” needle to mix. When mixing complete, remove Q-cap and change needle to ½” or 5/8” to administer.

How early can you mix Menopur?

Menopur cannot be mixed in advance. Once mixed, it must be used within 15 minutes.

Where should I inject Menopur?

Administer MENOPUR® subcutaneously in the abdomen as described in Instructions for Use. MENOPUR® may be administered together with BRAVELLE (urofollitropin for injection, purified).

How do you mix Menopur and Gonal F?

Dial the dose in units that you have been instructed to take on either your Gonal F Pen or Follistim Pen. Without touching the top of the vial with your hands, inject the dialed dose of Gonal F Pen or Follistim Pen into the vial of Menopur.

How quickly does Menopur start working?

A nurse will inform you a start date for your Menopur injections for stimulation with in 48 hours, these will start between days 1 and 3 of your period. the size of the stimulated follicles and blood tests to measure the oestrogen levels. Monitoring starts from Day 8 of stimulation.

How do you feel on Menopur?

What Are Side Effects of Menopur?

  1. headache,
  2. drowsiness,
  3. stomach or abdominal pain,
  4. bloating,
  5. injection site reactions (pain, swelling, irritation, redness),
  6. breast enlargement or tenderness,
  7. dizziness,
  8. nausea,

What is Menopur 75 IU used for?

Menopur 75 IU is a drug used in cases where ovaries are not produced in women. For this, the hormones in the drug should be taken as a supplement. Menopur is also a type of medicine that men can use. Some of the hormonal disorders in men are eliminated with this drug.

How do I use the Menopur Q•cap?

• Holdthe vial of MENOPUR powder in 1 hand • Hold the sides of the syringe with your other hand and place the tip of the Q•Cap over the top of the vial • Push the tip of the Q•Cap into the rubber stopper of the vial until it stops and snaps into place • Be carefulnot to push down on the syringe plunger during this step

What are the side effects of Menopur?

• The most common side effects with MENOPUR are headache, stomach pain, and upset stomach. Sometimes there is an injection-site reaction that can cause bruising, pain, or redness. These are not all the possible side effects of MENOPUR.

Which hormone is detected in Menopur®?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is detected in Menopur®. Both FSH and LH are glycoproteins that are acidic and water soluble. Therapeutic class: Infertility. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Menopur®, administered for 7 to 20 days, produces ovarian follicular growth and maturation in women who do not have primary ovarian failure.


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