What is pseudo-Class III malocclusion?

What is pseudo-Class III malocclusion?

Pseudo-Class III malocclusion is characterized by the presence of an anterior crossbite due to a forward functional displacement of the mandible; in most cases, the maxillary incisors present some degree of retroclination, and the mandibular incisors are proclined.

What criteria will differentiate between a true Class III and Pseudo-Class III malocclusion?

In the skeletal component, the true skeletal Class III malocclusion patient has deficient maxilla, protruded mandible, or both producing a true skeletal Class III malocclusion. However, in pseudo-Class III malocclusion, the patient has normal maxilla and mandible sizes and have skeletal Class I malocclusion.

What is malocclusion Angle’s Class III?

Angle Class III malocclusion is characterized by anteroposterior dental discrepancy which might be associated or not with skeletal changes. Class III molar relationship is associated with vertical or lingually tipped mandibular incisors and a usually concave profile.

What does pseudo Class III profile looks like in centric occlusion maximum Intercuspation )?

In centric relation the patient’s profile is straight and at rest it is slightly concave.

How do you fix a Class 3 bite?

The three primary treatment strategies are:

  1. Maxillary Arch Advancement – This can be achieved by a variety of protraction mechanics, with the most common options being Class III elastics and reverse-pull headgear traction.
  2. Mandibular Arch Retraction – This may involve lower arch extractions and/or class III elastics.

Do I have a Crossbite?

The main sign of having a crossbite is that upper teeth fit behind your lower teeth when your mouth is closed or at rest. This can affect teeth in the front of your mouth or toward the back of your mouth. This condition is similar to another dental condition called an underbite. Both are types of dental malocclusion.

WHO classified various forms of malocclusion?

Classification. Depending on the sagittal relations of teeth and jaws, malocclusions can be divided mainly into three types according to Angle’s classification system published 1899.

Do I have a crossbite?

Abstract. However, in pseudo-Class III malocclusion, the patient has normal maxilla and mandible sizes and have skeletal Class I malocclusion. 3 In the dento-alveolar component, usually the true skeletal Class III patient has dental compensation due to protruded maxillary incisors and retruded mandibular incisors.

How many patients are included in the Class I malocclusion group?

Thirty-one patients with Class I malocclusion were included in the Class I malocclusion group for the comparison of dentoskeletal characteristics with the pseudo-Class III malocclusion group.

What are the treatment options for Class III dental malocclusion?

[5] Many type of treatment are suggested in dental literature for the treatment of Class III malocclusion and pseudo-Class III malocclusion such as rapid maxillary expansion with face mask (RME/FM), [6] reverse twin block and FM, [7] FM therapy with alternate RME and constriction (Alt-RAMEC) protocol,…

How is pseudo-Class III relationship compensated in the end of treatment?

At the end of the treatment the pseudo-Class III relationship was compensated during the second phase. The space gained with the maxillary expansion and maxillary incisors protrusion helped in the eruption of the maxillary canines and the correction of the anterior crossbite.


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