Which area code is 0484?

Which area code is 0484?

Ernakulam Std Code Number, Kerala

Location STD Code State
Ernakulam 0484 Kerala

What is the STD code of Kottayam?

Kottayam Std Code Number, Kerala

Location STD Code State
Kottayam 0481 Kerala

What is STD Code of Malappuram?

STD Code 494 – Kerala Malappuram Tirur

State Kerala
STD Code 494 when dialing use the prefix digit 0, eg. 0494
Service Area KL

What is the STD code of Pathanamthitta?

STD Code 468 – Kerala Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta

State Kerala
District Pathanamthitta
City/Area Pathanamthitta
STD Code 468 when dialing use the prefix digit 0, eg. 0468
Service Area KL

What is the STD code of Idukki?

STD Code 4868 – Kerala Idukki Nedumgandam

State Kerala
District Idukki
City/Area Nedumgandam
STD Code 4868 when dialing use the prefix digit 0, eg. 04868
Service Area KL

What is the STD code of Warangal?

Warangal Std Code Number, Telangana

Location STD Code State
Warangal 0870 Telangana

What is the meaning of STD code 0484?

For example STD code 0484 for India represents Ambalamugal, Kerala.

What is stdstd code finder India?

STD code finder India is a tool that provides you any STD code in India to make a STD call. An STD no. is a code number which represents a particular geographical area like a pin code or area code, etc. For example STD code 0484 for India represents Ambalamugal, Kerala.

What is the STD code for Kochi?

Find STD Code of Kochi. The STD Code for Kochi is 0484. STD stands for Subscriber Trunk Dialing.

Where is STD code 484?

‘484’ STD code belongs to ‘ERNAKULAM’. City Name for the STD code ‘484’ is ERNAKULAM, which is in ERNAKULAM located in the state of KERALA. If you are calling from Inside India:


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