What is IPEVO Wishpool?

What is IPEVO Wishpool?

IPEVO Wishpool takes visual communication technology into the hands of educators, students, parents, low vision individuals, artists, and other professionals or individuals who can make a difference in favor of a connected world. Join the IPEVO Wishpool Community and you’ll be eligible to receive IPEVO products for free.

Does IPEVO vz-X have Wi-Fi?

IPEVO VZ-X The Wireless Doc Cam is Back! VZ-X features three connection modes-Wi-Fi, HDMI, and USB, which makes it the most versatile document camera. It can be used with or without a computer, with iOS/Android devices, an Apple TV, TVs, projectors, or monitors in the setup that best suits your needs.

What is IPEVO doing for edcamp?

IPEVO makes technology for educators, so when we first heard about EdCamp unconferences and other similar education tech-centric events that are committed to sharing the word about the positive impact technology can have in the classroom, we had to get involved!

Where are IPEVO products designed and manufactured?

IPEVO products are designed, developed, and manufactured in Taiwan, achieving excellent product quality. IPEVO VZ-X The Wireless Doc Cam is Back! Visualize the Big Picture, Wirelessly. Connecting the Disconnected World! IPEVO products are designed, developed, and manufactured in Taiwan.


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