Who is the saint of pregnant mothers?

Who is the saint of pregnant mothers?

Saint Gerard Majella
Gerard Majella

Saint Gerard Majella C.Ss.R.
Feast October 16
Attributes Young man in a Redemptorist habit, skull
Patronage Children (and unborn children in particular); childbirth; mothers (and expectant mothers in particular); motherhood; falsely accused people; good confessions; lay brothers.

Who is the patron saint of giving birth?

Raymond is the patron saint of childbirth, midwives, children, pregnant women, and priests defending the confidentiality of confession.

Who is the patron saint for safe delivery?

St. Gerard Majella
If you are a Catholic who has a pregnant family member or friend, or if you yourself are expecting, you may be thinking about which prayers to recite to ensure the baby is safely delivered. Many people choose to pray to St. Gerard Majella, the patron saint of expectant mothers and unborn children.

Who is the patron saint of pregnant women?

The only surprise may be that, given the array of mothers who have been declared saints, the patron saint of pregnant women is a man and a virgin: the 18 th-century Italian St. Gerard Majella. Today is his feast day.

Are Saint Louis and Saint Zelie the patron of pregnancy and birth?

The newly canonized Saints Louis and Zelie Martin are now among those considered patrons of pregnancy and birth. This is because out of their nine babies only five daughters survived to adulthood, three of the deaths occurring during infancy.

Why is St Agnes called the ‘saint of happy childbirth?

Others cite his miraculous prayers for troubled pregnancies, a ministry that is believed to have begun during his 29-year life and continued during his canonization process. Italian women called him il santo de felice parti, “the saint of happy childbirth.”

Why is St Gerard the patron saint of mothers-to-be?

Today is his feast day. In Catholic tradition, a patron saint is considered a special advocate of a certain cause or group, usually because of some link to his or her own life. The reasons for St. Gerard’s patronage remain a bit fuzzy. Some say his frail health gave him compassion for ailing mothers-to-be.


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