What are cast iron fittings used for?
What are cast iron fittings used for?
Cast iron soil pipe and fittings are used primarily in building construction for sanitary and storm drain, waste, and vent piping applications. The product is installed in residential construction, hospitals, schools, and commercial and industrial structures.
What is a cast iron fitting?
Cast iron soil pipe fittings are classified either as Hub and Spigot and No Hub or Hubless. Pipes made of no hub cast iron are never threaded or welded. These pipes are connected by means of no-hub couplings. Hub and spigot pipe fittings come in two classes of thickness: Service (SV) and Extra Heavy (XH).
Why is cast iron used for pipes?
Why Cast Iron Pipes were Used Cast iron was considered one of the strongest options when transporting water and sewage over great distances (tens or hundreds of miles). They were strong, durable, and able to stand up to the pressure when the lines were full. They were also difficult to damage when they were first used.
What is used to join cast iron pipes?
The method of jointing cast iron soil pipes depends upon the purpose for which the pipe is to be used. The usual jointing materials are: lead, cement and sand, ‘Philplug’, red lead putty or rust cement; each material being well caulked into the socket of the pipe.
Are pipe fittings cast iron or steel?
The major piping materials are also produced in the form of standard fittings. Among the more widely used materials are ductile or cast iron, malleable iron, brass, copper, cast steel, forged steel, and wrought steel. Other major nonferrous piping materials are also produced in the form of cast and wrought fittings.
How are pipe fittings cast?
Cast and malleable iron Fittings for cast iron pipe fall under hubless and bell-and-spigot styles. Hubless designs rely on elastomeric couplers that are secured to the outer diameters of the pipe or fitting by clamps, usually a stainless steel band clamp that compresses the elastomeric material and forms a seal.
Are cast iron pipes still used?
High-quality cast iron pipe is approved for plumbing and is still used today. However, about 50 years ago imported steel made its way to the US. The imported steel was not subjected to the same quality standards but became popular due to its lower cost.
When were cast iron pipes used for plumbing?
Today, no Orangeburg pipe is in use due to its short lifespan. Cast iron was also a popular material at this time. The first cast iron pipes were installed at Versailles in 1664. In the United States, the first cast iron pipes were installed in Philadelphia in the 1810s to replace deteriorated spruce log pipes.
When were cast iron pipes used?
The first large-scale use of cast-iron pipe for distribution of water occurred in 1664 at Versaille, France. The first cast-iron pipe manufactured in the United States was produced in a foundry in Weymouth, New Jersey, in the early 1800s.
Are black pipe fittings cast iron?
Use Caution Welding Black Pipe Fittings These fittings are made from malleable iron. It returns to cast iron, which is brittle and fractures easily. So, braze or braze weld malleable iron fittings to keep the temperatures low.
What are the types of pipe fittings?
There are different varieties of pipe fittings made of various materials and available in various shapes and sizes. Pipe adapters, couplings, elbows, tees, sleeves, flanges, bulkhead fittings, reducers, valves etc. are all different types of pipe fittings.
Are cast iron fittings used for gas?
Malleable cast iron fittings are used principally in piping systems with pressures of up to 300 pounds per square inch (e.g., gas .pipelines, piping systems of oil refineries, and gas and water systems of buildings). In 1976 there were eight firms producing malleable cast-iron pipe fittings.
How do you join cast iron pipe?
Hub and spigot cast iron soil pipe may be joined by the compression gasket or a caulked joint. Hubless cast iron soil pipe are joined by using a hubless coupling. The compression gasket is a precision molded one-piece gasket that is made of an elastomer that meets the requirements of ASTM C-564.
What are malleable iron pipe fittings?
Malleable iron pipe fittings hold two different pipe parts together and direct the gas and liquid movement. Some malleable pipe fittings are threaded, meaning that they have grooved ends that allow plumbers to screw the pipe fittings on the pipes, letting plumbers connect different pipes together.