What are serious illnesses?

What are serious illnesses?

A serious illness is a health condition that carries a high risk of mortality and commonly affects a patient for several years, such as metastatic cancer, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and dementia.

What is fatal disease?

a deadly disease mortal implies that death has occurred or is inevitable. a mortal wound fatal stresses the inevitability of what has in fact resulted in death or destruction. fatal consequences lethal applies to something that is bound to cause death or exists for the destruction of life.

What are the most common diseases for children?

The name “fifth disease” comes from its place on the standard list of rash-causing childhood diseases, which also includes measles (first), scarlet fever (second), rubella (third), Dukes’ disease (fourth, but is no longer widely accepted as distinct), and roseola (sixth).

What are the most common illnesses in children?

C ommon cold: Most children will get up to five colds a year and this is probably the most common reason children miss school.

  • Ch ickenpox: A contagious illness that causes an itchy rash and red spots all over the body.
  • Conj unctivitis: Commonly known as pinkeye,is an inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  • Which are the most common disease in children in US?

    CDC – The Most Common Disease Tooth Decay. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) says Early Childhood Caries (sometimes called Baby Bottle Tooth Decay) represent the most prevalent infectious disease in American children, occurring five times more frequently than the next most common chronic disease — asthma. More than 40 percent of children have tooth decay by age five.

    What are the most common pediatric diseases?

    These include pertussis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, measles, and tetanus. The term childhood disease refers to disease that is contracted or becomes symptomatic before the age of 18 years old. Many of these diseases can also be contracted by adults.


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