What bits are not allowed in Pony Club?

What bits are not allowed in Pony Club?

Bitless bridles are not allowed. Saddle cloths, including ‘polypads’ should be white, cream, navy, brown or black, with no logo. Stirrups should be the correct size for the rider’s boots, and should have ¼” clearance at either side. Only snaffle bits are permitted (except for the Introductory Test).

Can you ride a horse in Pony Club?

No! The Pony Club is for everyone up to the age of 25, and members come from all walks of life and all riding abilities. There is plenty of choice and members are encouraged to fulfil their potential and meet their personal goals, whatever they may be.

Are you allowed martingales in dressage?

A: One of the main principles of dressage is the correct, relaxed acceptance of a direct contact between the rider’s hands and the horse’s mouth, via the reins. Hence, no martingales are allowed in dressage.

Can you wear spurs in dressage?

Once you reach an advanced level in affiliated dressage, spurs must be worn. However, you can wear spurs at all levels of dressage if you want or need to.

Do you need to plait for show jumping?

For the rest of us however, plaits are a must, whether you’re taking part in in-hand showing, or ridden showing. And although it isn’t mandatory to plait your horse for show jumping, dressage or eventing, it is usually the done thing!

What does TOC mean in dressage?

If your horse is shared, there may be a total of three (3) rides between multiple riders. Riders may ride more than once in each class. Be sure to indicate which test you are riding in the Test of Choice (TOC) classes.

How many dressage tests can a horse do in one day?

USEF rule DR 119.2. states: “Horses are limited to a maximum of three Dressage rides per day at Fourth Level and below (including Rider Tests) or two Dressage rides per day above Fourth Level.

What do you get when you join The Pony Club?

As a Pony Club member you can work towards our range of Achievement Badges, Mini Achievement Badges and Competition Badges, learning vital skills along the way! You can also improve your riding and horse care skills by working up through The Pony Club Efficiency Tests – will you achieve the coveted A Test?

Do you have to own a horse to join Pony Club?

You don’t need to own a pony to join The Pony Club!

Can you use spurs in dressage?

A spur is basically a metal tool that’s fixed to the heel of the riding boot to back up the rider’s aids and evoke a response from the horse, as well as refining the rider’s aids, reinforcing the aids, and rewarding the horse. However, you can wear spurs at all levels of dressage if you want or need to.

What bridles are allowed in dressage?

A double bridle can only be worn from Elementary to Grand Prix level, but is not allowed in the four year old to six year old Young Horses classes. Neck straps, breastplates, balancing straps (a loop at the front of the saddle), breast girths and cruppers are allowed.


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