What are the themes in Journeys End?

What are the themes in Journeys End?

Journey’s End is at heart about how men deal with almost certain death, constant fear, sudden and intense horror, attack and maiming. The play touched the hearts and minds of audiences watching only a decade after the war had been fought.

Is Journey’s End an anti war play?

Watching Journey’s End is still an intense experience, but it isn’t an anti-war play – it’s a piece by a fairly snobbish writer whose views were old-fashioned in 1929.

How does Sheriff reveal the realities of war in a journey’s end?

It therefore can be said that R.C. Sherriff has successfully managed to show the horrors of war through the use of his stage directions in Journey’s End. Through the stage directions, Sherriff uses sound effects, lighting and props to convey the true realities of War.

What is the context of journeys end?

Historical Context of Journey’s End Journey’s End is a play about World War I, which began in 1914 and lasted until 1918. The conflict itself was set off when Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria, was assassinated by a Yugoslavian nationalist attempting to upset Austro-Hungarian rule.

Why was journeys end written?

Ultimately, it was Sherriff’s intention to produce a play which paid tribute to his brothers-in-arms and the virtues of duty, perseverance and comradeship which he experienced on the Western Front.

Why is Journeys End called Journeys End?

He considered calling it Suspense or Waiting, but eventually found a title in the closing line of a chapter of an unidentified book, “It was late in the evening when we came at last to our journey’s end”.

How is Stanhope portrayed in Journey’s End?

A good leader Despite his flaws, Stanhope is presented as a natural leader. This is apparent through the respect the men have for him, and the mature and reasoned way he deals with the issues facing his company. Osborne’s character speaks highly of him in the opening scene.

How does Sheriff use Hardy to present ideas about the war?

Sherriff uses Hardy to help picture the poor conditions of the trenches and dugout. Through Hardy, Sherriff is able to exhibit the high commanding officer’s failures to provide its soldiers. Using Hardy’s character, Sherriff creates an impression that not all commanding officers are stereotypical.

Who is Osborne in journey end?

Osborne is Stanhope’s second in command. His loyalty – despite Stanhope’s flaws – remains throughout. He makes it clear to the audience that Stanhope is an exceptional soldier. When Hardy is gossiping about Stanhope, Osborne states “I love that fellow.


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