How do you type and em dash?

How do you type and em dash?

For an em-dash, hold down the Alt key and type 0151, then release the Alt key. That’s it! For an en-dash, hold down the Alt key and type 0150, then release the Alt key.

How do you code an em dash?

Html codes for the em dash are — or — To produce an em dash in Word, press Ctrl-Alt-minus sign on the numeric keypad. Or press the Alt key while typing 0151 on the numeric keypad.

What is em dash and en dash?

There are two types of dash. The en dash is approximately the length of the letter n, and the em dash the length of the letter m. The longer em dash (—) is used to separate extra information or mark a break in a sentence.

What is a standard ASCII character set?

An “ASCII file” is a data or text file that contains only characters coded from the standard ASCII character set. Characters 0 through 127 comprise the Standard ASCII Set and characters 128 to 255 are considered to be in the Extended ASCII Set. ASCII characters are the ones used to send and receive email.

What is ASCII code used for?

ASCII (pronounced az-skee, rhymes with ‘pass-key’), is a table of characters for computers. It is binary code used by electronic equipment to handle text using the English alphabet, numbers, and other common symbols. ASCII is an abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

What is ASCII symbol?

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange . It is the standard format used for text files within computers and online. As computers can only understand numbers, the ASCII code is the numerical representation of alphabetic and special characters, such as ‘a’ and/or the ‘©’ symbol.

What is ASCII range?

Formally ASCII is a seven bit code. The valid range is 0 – 127. Many people are use to thinking of it as an 8-bit code because bytes are 8 bits wide and characters are stored in bytes. Starting with the IBM-PC back in the eighties the extra bit was used to encode an extra group of OEM characters (128 – 255).


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