How can I check property owner in Greater Noida?

How can I check property owner in Greater Noida?

One can log on to and get details of any plot registered after this period. Data prior to this period too is being computerised and is available online. One can get details by plot number, seller name, buyer name and can also verify the earlier registration papers by registration number.”

How can I buy land from Noida authority?

How to buy a plot through NOIDA authority?

  1. Housing/plot schemes are introduced and marketed by the authority.
  2. Application form obtained from banks or concerned department, submission at the reception office.
  3. Allotment is done by e-bidding, or by a process mentioned in the respective brochure.

How can I get plot in Greater Noida authority?

Apply Online for Builder Plots

  1. Scheme Brochure, Terms and Conditions: Download.
  2. Vacant Plot List: Download.
  3. Scheme Schedule: Download.
  4. Corrigendum: Download.
  5. Corrigendum 2: Download.
  6. Corrigendum 3: Download.

What is the rate of land in Greater Noida?

Property Rates & Price Trends in Greater Noida

Locality Name Buy Rates Rental Rates
Price Range (Rs. per sq. ft.) 3 Bedroom
Omega II Gr Noida Rs. 3,272 – 3,910/sq. ft.
Pari Chowk Rs. 2,805 – 3,655/sq. ft.
Sector-2 Gr Noida Rs. 3,825 – 4,165/sq. ft. Rs. 8,925 – 10,200

What is Kya in Noida authority?

“Know Your Allottee” (KYA) Form (Updated) | Greater Noida.

Is Greater Noida West and Noida Extension same?

Noida Extension comes under the jurisdiction of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA), but was given its name due to being located adjacent to Noida. In a meeting held on Friday, the CEO of the Authority said that the area would now be referred to as Greater Noida (West).

Is there any property tax in Noida?

In Noida, property tax forms a certain percentage of the annual assessed value of the property. Property taxes are calculated, based on this amount and the location of the property or land, by the Noida Authority.

Why is Noida famous?

Definitely one of the amazing cities in India, Noida is known for its IT parks, shopping malls, universities, and a large pool of entertainment facilities. From the food chains of Brahmaputra Market to ambience of Grand Venice Mall, Noida’s proactive reputation is not unwarranted.

How can I get residential plot in Noida?

Online registration will begin once the authority officially announces the Noida residential plot scheme 2021. To apply for the scheme offline, the applicant will need to visit the Noida Authority office and complete the entire procedure by filling up the form and making the payment.

What is transfer memorandum in Greater Noida authority?

The TM charge or Transfer of Memorandum is a charge that the Noida Authority imposes on transfer of a resale property.

Is there any house tax in Greater Noida?

It is a compulsory levy paid annually and comprises several taxes, including lighting, water, and drainage. However, housing tax computation may differ across locations. For instance, property tax in Noida is subject to the annual assessed value of the property.

Who is the CEO of Noida Authority?

Ritu Maheshwari
Who’s Who

Name Designation E – mail
Smt. Ritu Maheshwari CEO [email protected]
Ms Neha Sharma ACEO [email protected]
Mr. Praveen Mishra ACEO [email protected]
Mr. Swatantra Kumar FC [email protected]


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