To count in Spanish, first master the Spanish words for 0 through 9, since they form the basis of many larger numbers. Then, learn the numbers 10 through 19, which are either derived from their single digit counterparts, or a combination of the word for 10 plus their single digit counterparts.
How to count to 100 in Spanish?
Spanish Numbers From Zero To Twenty. You’ll need to memorize the words for each individual Spanish number ranging from 0…
The Rest Of The Tens. You’ll also need to remember the words for “thirty,” “forty,” “fifty,” and so on.
Numbers In Spanish: Putting It All Together. Once you get to 20, the rest is pretty boilerplate and intuitive.
How to spell Spanish numbers?
1. uno
2. dos
3. tres
4. cuatro
5. cinco
6. seis
7. siete
8. ocho
9. nueve
10. diez
11. once
12. doce
13. trece
14. catorce
15. quince
16. dieciséis
17. diecisiete
18. dieciocho
19. diecinueve
20. veinte
21. veintiuno
22. veintidós
23. veintitrés
24. veinticuatro
25. veinticinco
26. veintiséis
27. veintisiete
28. veintiocho
29. veintinueve
30. treinta
31. treinta y uno
32. treinta y dos
33. treinta y tres
40. cuarenta
41. cuarenta y uno
42. cuarenta y dos
50. cincuenta
60. sesenta
70. setenta
80. ochenta
90. noventa
100. ciento ( cien)
101. ciento uno
102. ciento dos
103. ciento tres
110. ciento diez
199. ciento noventa y nueve
200. doscientos
201. doscientos uno
202. doscientos dos
203. doscientos tres
251. doscientos cincuenta y uno
252. doscientos cincuenta y dos
300. trescientos
400. cuatrocientos
500. quinientos
600. seiscientos
700. setecientos
800. ochocientos
900. novecientos
1.000. mil
2.000. dos mil
3.000. tres mil
3.333. tres mil trescientos treinta y tres
1.000.000. un millón mil millones
What is the number 10 in Spanish?
Number 10 in Spanish. In Spanish, 10 is written “diez”, and pronounced like “dee-ehs”. The numeral ten is a masculine noun ( el diez ). The plural form (rarely useful) is (los) dieces . As an adjective, the masculine and feminine forms are the same…