How do I create a list of terms in EndNote?

How do I create a list of terms in EndNote?

To create a new term list:

  1. Select Define term lists… from the Tools menu. The terms list window (below) allows lists to be created, renamed, and deleted.
  2. Select the desired delimiters (the punctuation used to separate terms).
  3. Once the list has been created, click OK.

What are term lists in EndNote?

Term lists are used to suggest words from a standard list as you type, similar to a predictive text “look-up” table. Your EndNote library has its own set of term lists: Journals – used to handle Journal Title abbreviations as required in some disciplines, e.g. medical, or by some publications. Authors. Keywords.

How do you add a journal list in EndNote?

Importing Journals Term Lists

  1. Open EndNote.
  2. Tools > Define Term Lists > click the Lists tab > select Journals in the box > click Import List button.
  3. Navigate to your EndNote program folder and open the Terms Lists folder.

How do you abbreviate journal names in citations?

How to abbreviate Journal Titles

  1. Omit articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.
  2. Capitalize all abbreviated words.
  3. Only abbreviate title proper.
  4. Single word titles and titles in character-based languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are not abbreviated.

How do you abbreviate journal names in EndNote?

Modify the referencing style to use journal abbreviations In the EndNote Style window, select the style you want to edit. Click Edit and the style will open in a new window. In the left pane select Journal names. Under Journal Name Format select the field you want, usually this will be Abbreviation 1.

Can EndNote abbreviate journal names?

EndNote uses Journal Term Lists to substitute abbreviated journal titles for full journal titles. Go to Tools > Open Term Lists > Journals Term List. Click on the Lists tab.

How do you capitalize Journal names in EndNote?


  1. Open EndNote and go to Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager.
  2. Locate and then double click to open the style that you use.
  3. Under ‘Bibliography’ on the left, click on ‘Title Capitalization’ and on the right change the setting to your requirement.
  4. Click on File > Save As to save a copy of the output style.

How do I abbreviate journal names in EndNote?

  1. Open the EndNote Library and select the style for your manuscript.
  2. Select Output Style from Edit menu and select the style you want to edit.
  3. Select Journal Names from the left navigation.
  4. Select the journal name your prefer (e.g., Full journal name or abbreviation).

How do you reference a journal name?

If the journal is only available electronically, however, references should include the following information:

  1. The author(s) – by surname and initial(s)
  2. Year of publication.
  3. The title of the article.
  4. The title of the journal (in italics)
  5. [online]
  6. The volume number.
  7. The issue or part number.
  8. The page numbers (if applicable)

Does APA use abbreviated journal names?

Journal titles: Are they correct? For APA format, use the full title – no abbreviation, no subtitle, no “The” as the first word. For example, the full title for JAMA is JAMA, unless you are citing an article published before 1960, and then it is Journal of the American Medical Association.

What does a Journal reference look like?

A reference to a portion of a journal article will look like this: Author(s) (Year) Title of this author’s contribution, Page numbers of the part of the article in Author(s) of article. Article title. Journal title Volume (Issue), Page numbers of article.

How do you cite Journal articles?

Author’s Last Name, First Name Middle Name or Initial. “Title of Article.” Name of Journal, volume number, issue number, date of online publication, pages (if listed), location.


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