What mental illness causes extreme anger?

What mental illness causes extreme anger?

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is an impulse-control disorder characterized by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger. The disorder is typified by hostility, impulsivity, and recurrent aggressive outbursts. People with IED essentially “explode” into a rage despite a lack of apparent provocation or reason.

How do you deal with explosive rage?

Do something to distract yourself mentally or physically – anything that completely changes your situation, thoughts or patterns can help stop your anger escalating. For example, you could try: putting on upbeat music and dancing. doing something with your hands, like fixing something or making something.

What is a rage outburst?

Overview. Rage attacks are sudden, out-of-control bursts of anger. These explosive outbursts can start without warning. They may also seem to be out of proportion to what triggered the episode. Rage attacks are different than tantrums.

What is getting angry easily a symptom of?

Many things can trigger anger, including stress, family problems, and financial issues. For some people, anger is caused by an underlying disorder, such as alcoholism or depression. Anger itself isn’t considered a disorder, but anger is a known symptom of several mental health conditions.

What causes a person to rage?

What causes people to get angry? There are many common triggers for anger, such as losing your patience, feeling as if your opinion or efforts aren’t appreciated, and injustice. Other causes of anger include memories of traumatic or enraging events and worrying about personal problems.

How do you calm down someone with an IED?

To calm someone during an IED episode, you can use empathetic statements, active listening, and emotional detachment. IED can be treated successfully with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Is having anger issues a mental illness?

Anger itself doesn’t constitute a mental disorder, so there’s no set diagnosis for anger problems in the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

What happens if you rage too much?

The long-term physical effects of uncontrolled anger include increased anxiety, high blood pressure and headache. Anger can be a positive and useful emotion, if it is expressed appropriately.

What anger does to your body?

Anger is a natural response to perceived threats. It causes your body to release adrenaline, your muscles to tighten, and your heart rate and blood pressure to increase. Your senses might feel more acute and your face and hands flushed. However, anger becomes a problem only when you don’t manage it in a healthy way.

How do you deal with an explosive personality?


  1. Stick with your treatment.
  2. Practice relaxation techniques.
  3. Develop new ways of thinking (cognitive restructuring).
  4. Use problem-solving.
  5. Learn ways to improve your communication.
  6. Change your environment.
  7. Avoid mood-altering substances.


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