How do you make your own Liferay theme?
How do you make your own Liferay theme?
Creating a Theme Project from Liferay IDE
- Go to File → New → Liferay Project.
- Fill in the Project name and Display name fields.
- Select the Liferay Plugins SDK and Portal Runtime you’ve configured.
- Select Theme for your Plugin type.
- Click Next.
- Select a theme parent.
- Select your theme’s framework.
- Click Finish.
What is a Liferay theme?
A Liferay Theme is the overall look and feel for a site. Themes are a combination of CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and FreeMarker templates. Liferay DXP provides several tools and environments that you can use to create themes: Theme Builder Gradle Plugin.
How do you use Liferay themes?
You can apply your theme through the Navigation → Site Pages menu in the Control Menu. Select the Configure option for your site pages, and click the Change Current Theme button to apply your theme. Figure 3: Run the `gulp deploy` task to build your theme’s files and deploy it to your app server.
What is the Liferay theme generator?
The Liferay Theme Generator is an easy-to-use command-line wizard that streamlines the theme creation process. It is independent of the Liferay Plugins SDK, and generates themes for Liferay Portal 6.2, Liferay DXP 7.0, and up. It is just one of Liferay JS Theme Toolkit.
The Liferay Theme Generator lets you create themes, themelets, layout templates and more. It is just one of Liferay JS Theme Toolkit’s tools . There are a few dependencies required to run the generator.
What is launchliferay theme and how to use it?
Liferay Theme is a web application, which helps you develop a graphical appearance for the portal pages. It contains a set of FreeMarker templates, JavaScript and CSS, configuration, and resources/images files. With a theme, you can define both a structure for your page (header, footer, content area, etc.) and it’s styling.
How do I install a Liferay theme using gulp?
It can be accessed by running node_modules\\.bin\\gulp followed by the Gulp task from a generated theme’s root folder. Install the Liferay Theme Generator. A few versions of the Liferay Theme Generator are available.
What version of Liferay Portal should I install?
We recommend installing v8.10.0, which is the version Liferay Portal 7.1 supports. Note that Node Package Manager (npm) is installed with this as well. You’ll use npm to install the remaining dependencies and generator. Make sure to set up your npm environment before moving to the next step.