What was the wind speed in the 1987 hurricane?

What was the wind speed in the 1987 hurricane?

The highest wind speed reported was an estimated 119 knots (61 m/s) in a gust soon after midnight at Quimper coastguard station on the coast of Brittany (48° 02′ N 4° 44′ W). The highest measured wind speed was a gust of 117 knots (60 m/s) at 12.30 am at Pointe du Roc (48° 51′ N, 1° 37′ W) near Granville, Normandy.

How did the great storm of 1987 happen?

On October 15, 1987, very cold air collided with warm air over the Bay of Biscay, which allowed an area of low pressure to form. The sharp temperature contrast between those two air masses caused rapid ascent resulting in very low pressure at the surface.

What date was the great storm of 1987?

October 15, 1987
Great storm of 1987/Start dates

Has a hurricane ever hit the UK?

On September 12, 2019 – The remnants of Tropical Storm Gabrielle struck Ireland. Later, it struck Great Britain. September 24, 2019 – The extratropical remnants of Hurricane Humberto (2019) struck the British Isles.

How many people died in the storm of 1987?

At least 22 people were killed in England and France….Great storm of 1987.

Highest gust 134 mph (216 km/h)
Lowest pressure 953 mb (28.14 inHg)
Fatalities 22
Damage £2 billion (5.751 today), 23 billion francs (7.966 today)

What was the worst storm ever?

United States

Rank Hurricane Season
1 “Galveston” 1900
2 “San Ciriaco” 1899
3 Maria 2017
4 “Okeechobee” 1928

Has a hurricane ever hit Africa?

This list of West Africa hurricanes includes all Atlantic Ocean tropical cyclones that have made landfall on, or directly affected, the Atlantic coast of West Africa or its surrounding islands: the Cape Verde Islands and the Canary Islands….Deadliest storms.

Name Year Number of deaths
Helene 2018 3
Vicky 2020 1

Has the UK ever had a tornado?

What was England’s biggest Tornado? The 2005 Birmingham tornado is regarded as one of the nation’s largest for 30 years. It chiselled a path 7 Kilometres long through the south side of the city, with its winds reaching between 137 and 186 mph, the Met Office reported.

How strong were the winds in the 1987 storm?

Great storm of 1987

Formed 15 October 1987
Dissipated 16 October 1987
Highest winds 86 mph (139 km/h)
Highest gust 134 mph (216 km/h)
Lowest pressure 953 mb (28.14 inHg)

What are the most violent storms on Earth?

Hurricanes are the biggest and most violent storms on the planet. Every year, between June and November they hit the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern coast of the United States, sometimes leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. In the Pacific Ocean, they are known as cyclones.

Has there ever been a Category 5 hurricane?

Officially, from 1924 to 2020, 37 Category 5 hurricanes have been recorded. No Category 5 hurricanes were observed officially before 1924. For example, the 1825 Santa Ana hurricane is suspected to have reached Category 5 strength.

Quelle est la tempête de 1987?

La tempête de 1987 est une tempête très violente qui a frappé le jeudi 15 octobre 1987 la Bretagne et le Cotentin avant d’atteindre les îles Britanniques.

Comment toucher la tempête en Bretagne?

En Bretagne, la tempête toucha terre en Cornouaille avec à Quimper des rafales continuelles de 180 km/h avant de se diriger vers le Devon et les comtés du Midlands anglais avant de retourner à la mer par l’ Est-Anglie. Les plus forts vents mesurés furent de 220 km/h à Granville.

Comment se déplaçait la tempête en Bretagne?

Elle se déplaçait relativement plus vite que la première : 110 km/h. Elle traversa la Bretagne de Penmarc’h à Saint-Brieuc. En Bretagne, la tempête toucha terre en Cornouaille avec à Quimper des rafales continuelles de 180 km/h avant de se diriger vers le Devon et les comtés du Midlands anglais avant de retourner à la mer par l’ Est-Anglie.


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