What does PDR stand for in cigars?

What does PDR stand for in cigars?

Cigar Aficionado PDR Cigars. In an effort to identify less with Cuba and more with the Dominican Republic, where the company operates, PDR now stands for Puros Dominican Republic.

Are PDR cigars good?

Construction: Excellent. In true PDR form, the tobaccos are well-packed, giving the cigar a nice firmness throughout, and has a closed foot. The wrapper is an attractive blonde, even in color, and sealed with a perfectly fashioned Cuban pigtail at the head. Draw: Very good.

Where are pdr Cigars made?

Dominican Republic
Located in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, PDR’s factory under the guidance of Abe Flores releases a handful of top-notch blends with classic cigar flavors and numerous 90+ ratings.

Who owns PDR cigars?

Abe Flores
That certainly has been the case for Abe Flores. The 43-year-old owner of PDR Cigars has made a career of making the most out of the new opportunities that come his way. He has chased a career as a professional musician and fell just a tad bit short of his dream.

Where are obsidian cigars made?

I have always liked the obsidian cigar….

Shapes Gordo, Robusto, Toro, Torpedo
Wrapper Brazilian
Origin Dominican Republic
Flavored False

Are Obsidian Cigars good?

The result is a densely rich and chewy blend, loaded with complex notes of espresso, pepper, earth, toast, and cream. Full-bodied, but extremely smooth and balanced, Obsidian is thoroughly satisfying.

Who makes Obsidian cigars?

Pinar del Rio
From the makers of Pinar del Rio enters Obsidian, featuring Cuban-seed long leaves from Nicaragua and the Dominican masked by a creamy, dark, and super oily Brazilian Habano ligero wrapper. You’ll find thick smoke swarming about your head while chewy notes of leather and hearty spices engulf your palate.

Who makes the diesel cigar?

A.J. Fernandez
Produced by A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua (the cigarmaker who crafts the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro, Cigar Aficionado’s 2019 Cigar of the Year), this is Diesel’s first region-specific blend, as the filler, binder and wrapper all come from Fernandez’s farms in EstelĂ­.

Who makes Caldwell cigars?

Robert Caldwell
Q&A: Robert Caldwell, Owner of Caldwell Cigar Co.



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