What is the Tibiotalar joint?

What is the Tibiotalar joint?

The ankle joint is also called the tibiotalar joint. It’s where the shinbone (tibia) rests on top of a bone of the foot called the talus. The ankle also includes the subtalar joint. This is where 2 foot bones called the talus and the calcaneus meet. Arthritis can affect these 2 joints in the foot.

What does the posterior Tibiotalar ligament do?

Lateral Ligament

Posterior Tibiotalar Ligament Control Dorsiflexion
Tibionavicular Ligament Forms most anterior part of the Deltoid Ligament Reinforces Ankle Joint
Tibiocalcaneal Ligament Very thin ligament Reinforces Ankle Joint

Is the Tibiotalar joint the ankle?

The ankle is composed of three joints: the talocrural joint (also called talotibial joint, tibiotalar joint, talar mortise, talar joint), the subtalar joint (also called talocalcaneal), and the Inferior tibiofibular joint.

What bones make up the Tibiotalar joint?

The ankle joint or tibiotalar joint is formed where the top of the talus (the uppermost bone in the foot) and the tibia (shin bone) and fibula meet. The ankle joint is both a synovial joint and a hinge joint.

Where is the posterior subtalar joint?

Articular surfaces It consists of two articular facets lined with the hyaline cartilage. The articular surfaces that comprise this joint involve the concave posterior calcaneal facet on the inferior surface of the talus and the convex posterior talar articular surface on the superior aspect of the calcaneus.

What joint movements occur between the tarsal bones?

Movements. The complex motion of the subtalar joint occurs in three planes and produces subtalar inversion and eversion. Along with the transverse tarsal joint (i.e. talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint), the subtalar joint transforms tibial rotation into forefoot supination and pronation.

Can you tear your posterior Talofibular ligament?

As the posterior talofibular ligament has no independent stabilizing function in the intact ankle joint, an isolated rupture of this ligament is unlikely.

What is the primary function of the Calcaneofibular ligament?

Function. The CFL provides lateral stabilization to the ankle joint and subtalar joint. The ligament allows flexion and extension movements to occur at the ankle and serves as a primary restraint to inversion in neutral or dorsiflexed position at the talocrural joint.

What is the back of the ankle called?

posterior malleolus
The posterior malleolus, felt on the back of your ankle is also part of the tibia’s base. The lateral malleolus, felt on the outside of your ankle is the low end of the fibula.

Which tarsal bone forms part of the ankle joint?

The talus (astragalus) articulates above with the bones of the lower leg to form the ankle joint. The other six tarsals, tightly bound together by ligaments below the talus, function as a strong weight-bearing platform. The calcaneus, or heel bone, is the largest tarsal and forms the prominence at the back of the foot.

How many tarsal bones are there?

The tarsal bones are 7 in number. They are named the calcaneus, talus, cuboid, navicular, and the medial, middle, and lateral cuneiforms.

What are tarsal bones?

tarsal, any of several short, angular bones that in humans make up the ankle and that—in animals that walk on their toes (e.g., dogs, cats) or on hoofs—are contained in the hock, lifted off the ground. The tarsals correspond to the carpal bones of the upper limb.

How do I treat a tibialis anterior injury?

See your doctor if you have symptoms of anterior tibialis tendinitis so that he or she can properly diagnose and treat the condition. Treatment is directed toward conservative measures such as rest, ice and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication.

Does ATFL tear require surgery?

Surgery : Surgery is most likely needed to resolve your problem. Meniscus tears simply do not heal on their own, regardless of conservative treatment (including prolotherapy). It is possible that your symptoms of pain, etc will improve with time without surgery…But that doesn’t mean the tear healed.

What is the anterior tibiofibular ligament?

The anterior tibiofibular ligament is often referred to as the high ankle ligament. This ligament slants downward, distally and laterally, between the margins of the fibula and tibia. It’s a point just above the ankle joint where these two bones meet, and the ligament holds the fibula and tibia bones together (syndesmosis).


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