What are arrays interview questions?

What are arrays interview questions?

20+ Array Questions from Programming Interviews

  • How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100? (solution)
  • How do you find the duplicate number on a given integer array? (solution)
  • How do you find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array? (solution)

How do you describe an array in interview?

An array is essentially a collection of elements. The data type of all elements must be the same and store at the contiguous memory location. So each array can store only one type of data. At the time of the array declaration, you must specify the type of data with the array name.

Which is the biggest problem of array?

The biggest limitation of array is that we need to define the size of array beforehand. This is possible only if the maximum size of array is known beforehand and may lead to memory wastage.

How do you solve an array question coding?

Level 2

  1. Write a program to cyclically rotate an array by one.
  2. Find the missing integer.
  3. Count Pairs with given sum.
  4. Find duplicates in an array.
  5. Sort an Array using Quicksort algorithm.
  6. Find common elements in three sorted arrays.
  7. Find the first repeating element in an array of integers.

How do you reverse an array in CPP?

Program to reverse an array using the user-defined function

  1. #include
  2. using namespace std;
  3. void ArrRev ( int [], int);
  4. int main ()
  5. {
  6. int arr[50], num, i, j, temp;
  7. cout << ” Number of elements to be entered: ” << endl;
  8. cin >> num;

How do you find the missing number in an array in C++?


  1. Create a variable sum = 1 which will store the missing number and a counter variable c = 2.
  2. Traverse the array from start to end.
  3. Update the value of sum as sum = sum – array[i] + c and update c as c++.
  4. Print the missing number as a sum.

How do you make an array in C++?

A typical declaration for an array in C++ is: type name [elements]; where type is a valid type (such as int, float …), name is a valid identifier and the elements field (which is always enclosed in square brackets [] ), specifies the size of the array.

How many types of array are there?

There are three different kinds of arrays: indexed arrays, multidimensional arrays, and associative arrays.

Can you declare an array without assigning the size of an array?

You can declare an array without a size specifier for the leftmost dimension in multiples cases: as a global variable with extern class storage (the array is defined elsewhere), as a function parameter: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) . In this case the size specified for the leftmost dimension is ignored anyway.

How do you find the smallest and largest number in an array in C++?

The program output is shown below.

  1. #include
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main ()
  4. {
  5. int arr[10], n, i, max, min;
  6. cout << “Enter the size of the array : “;
  7. cin >> n;
  8. cout << “Enter the elements of the array : “;

How do I get the length of an array in C++?

How to find the length of an ​array in C++

  1. #include
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main() {
  4. int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50,60};
  5. int arrSize = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
  6. cout << “The size of the array is: ” << arrSize;
  7. return 0;

How to create an array from user input in C?

Program to create an array from user input in C using dynamic memory allocation with malloc function.This program will create an integer array by allocating memory of size entered by an user using malloc function and also elements of the array will be input by user. This way an array can be created of any length.

How do you declare an array in C?

Declaring C Arrays. In order to declare an array, you need to specify: The data type of the array’s elements. It could be int, float, char, etc. The name of the array. A fixed number of elements that array may contain. The number of elements is placed inside square brackets followed the array name.

How many types of array in C programming?

There are 2 types of C arrays. They are, One dimensional array. Multi dimensional array Two dimensional array.

What is the definition of array in C?

C – Arrays. Arrays a kind of data structure that can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. An array is used to store a collection of data, but it is often more useful to think of an array as a collection of variables of the same type.


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