What does SPN 4364/fmi 18 mean?

What does SPN 4364/fmi 18 mean?

SPN 4364/FMI 18 Description This code sets when the Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM) detects that the Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) NOx Conversion efficiency is low.

What is a 4364 fault?

The 4364 fault is simply an inducement fault. That means that inducements are active (derate).

How long can I drive with only a 4364 active?

Well with only the 4364 active you should have at least 4 hours of drive time left. You can try to regen it, the only problem with that is if it fails then that is one hour gone off of the operating time. Ok but if I go ahead to change the nox sensor will it fix everything?


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