What is Tinderbox AI?

What is Tinderbox AI?

Tinderbox AI automatically recognizes addresses, and gets their geographical location for you. It finds names and organizations mentioned in your notes, helping your agents to tag and organize your work and freeing you to concentrate on what matters most. Tinderbox works with you when you’re on the go.

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If you plan to create visual effects and motion graphics for web pages, videos, television, or movies, then Adobe After Effects for Mac version will certainly interest you. This software is in demand among both large studios and individual artists.

How does Tinderbox work with DEVONthink?

Tinderbox can automatically update notes from the internet, the cloud, or your DEVONthink Pro repository. Tinderbox provides a host of tools — separators, graphic badges, and much more — to make complex outlines more manageable.

What is the tinderbox map view?

The Tinderbox map view shows relationships and links among dozens or hundreds of notes. Structure emerges and evolves naturally as your understanding grows. Sketches and background for a new science fiction novel by Mike Wrenn. Tinderbox maps your notes as you make them.


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