What is the function of flagellated Choanocytes?

What is the function of flagellated Choanocytes?

Choanocytes are specialized cells that have a single flagellum surrounded by a net-like collar of microvilli (Figure 3). Choanocytes join together creating the choanoderm, where they perform two major functions. The first is to create a flow of water and the second is to capture food items as they pass by these cells.

What are the five main functions of amoebocytes in sponges?

Explanation: Amoebocytes are amoeba like cells found in sponges. They are totipotent (able to divide and form differentiate cells) in nature. They basically store, digest and transport food, excrete wastes, secrete skeleton and also may give rise to buds in asexual reproduction.

Are Archaeocytes and amoebocytes the same thing?

Archaeocytes (from Greek archaios “beginning” and kytos “hollow vessel”) or amoebocytes are amoeboid cells found in sponges. They are totipotent and have varied functions depending on the species.

What is Ischoanocytes?

Choanocytes (also known as “collar cells”) are cells that line the interior of asconoid, syconoid and leuconoid body types of sponges that contain a central flagellum, or cilium, surrounded by a collar of microvilli which are connected by a thin membrane.

What do amoebocytes do?

Amoebocytes have a variety of functions: delivering nutrients from choanocytes to other cells within the sponge, giving rise to eggs for sexual reproduction (which remain in the mesohyl), delivering phagocytized sperm from choanocytes to eggs, and differentiating into more-specific cell types.

What is spongocoel name the cells which line the spongocoel?

Pinacocytes line the spongocoel and incurrent canals.

What is the function of Osculum?

The osculum (plural “oscula”) is an excretory structure in the living sponge, a large opening to the outside through which the current of water exits after passing through the spongocoel. Wastes diffuse into the water and the water is pumped through the osculum carrying away with it the sponge’s wastes.


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