Why Ansal Ansal API Sushant Megapolis?

Why Ansal Ansal API Sushant Megapolis?

Ansal API Sushant Megapolis by Ansal API is situated in Megapolis, Noida. You can easily leave behind the stressful life and relax at your home due to the peaceful surroundings. One can easily find the pleasure of living in a home in a true form.

Is Ansal API fairway apartments Sushant Megapolis registered under uprera?

Ansal API Fairway Apartments Sushant Megapolis is registered under UPRERA. The RERA Registration No of Ansal API Fairway Apartments Sushant Megapolis is UPRERAPRJ3983, UPRERAPRJ4526, UPRERAPRJ4814, UPRERAPRJ4863, UPRERAPRJ5677. 3. What is the size or area range of Ansal API Fairway Apartments Sushant Megapolis?

Where is Megapolis in Greater Noida?

Located on NH 91, Megapolis is situated in the western part of Greater Noida better known as Noida Extension. It is the most happening and developed area of Noida West.

What is the history of Ansal API?

Ansal API is one of the successful realty and infrastructure companies in India. Since its inception in 1967, the developer has created a huge presence in North India where it has spearheaded several township projects across Delhi NCR, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.


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