What is special about Brassica rapa?

What is special about Brassica rapa?

Brassica rapa is a diverse wild plant species known with several common names: wild turnip, field mustard, turnip mustard, wild mustard, wild kale or bird rape. It has bright yellow flowers which attract bees. Brassica rapa has several subspecies with different uses as crop plants.

What is Brassica rapa fast plants?

Fast Plants are a rapid-cycling form of the species Brassica rapa, a member of the mustard or cabbage family Cruciferae. Fast Plants and other members of this family are distinguished by characteristic flowers with four petals in the form of a cross or crucifix.

Why is Brassica rapa used for experiments?

Field Grown, Rapid Cycling Brassica rapa Six students in a Plant Ecology course collected data. This semester long course met one Page 6 evening per week (Fall 2002). From data collected through five independent projects, I identified RCBr traits associated with fitness.

How do fast plants grow?

The Life Cycle of Fast Plants A day or two after planting and watering, the tiny seed germinates. During germination, the seed takes up water and swells until its seed coat cracks. Above ground, the true leaves, stems grow and develop from a point at the very top of the plant, called the shoot meristem (growth tip).

Where can Brassica rapa be found?

Habitat: Field mustard grows in disturbed areas including roadsides, ditches, cultivated fields, orchards, and gardens. Field mustard is an extremely adaptable plant that grows in sandy to heavy clay soils and tolerates a pH range from 4.8 to 8.5 (Hannaway and Larson, 2004).

How many varieties of Brassica rapa are there?

37 species
Brassica is the second largest oilseed crop after soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in world oilseed production (FAO, 2010; Raymer, 2002). Of the 37 species in the Brassica genus, the 4 most widely cultivated species for oilseed and vegetables are Brassica rapa L., B.

How does Brassica rapa grow?

Brassica rapa is a BIENNIAL growing to 0.5 m (1ft 8in). It is hardy to zone (UK) 7 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from May to August, and the seeds ripen from July to September. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees.

How fast does Brassica rapa grow?

Thus, like WFP, FPsc is rapid- cycling, flowering ~18 days after planting. The plants are relatively compact and need very little inputs or maintenance to complete the life cycle (seed to seed) in ~56-60 days.

Is Brassica rapa a model organism?

Rapid cycling Brassica rapa (RCBr), also known as Fast Plants, are a widely used model organism in biology education. They were developed by selection of B. The result is a plant with a 7-week generation time that can be cultivated inexpensively by novices.

Why are fast plants important?

Wisconsin Fast Plants are a rapid cycling variety of Brassica rapa that was initially developed as a research tool to improve the disease resistance of economically-valuable cruciferous crops. small plant size and ability to grow at high plant density. high reproductive capacity.

How is Brassica rapa used?

–what is it? Brassica rapa L. in its various forms may be used as food for people or feed to livestock as leaves, roots, and seeds. This plant is a crucifer, or cruciferous (for the four-lobed, cross-shaped appearance of the four-petaled flowers).

What are some types of Brassica plants?

Species Brassica balearica: Mallorca cabbage Brassica carinata: Abyssinian mustard or Abyssinian cabbage, used to produce biodiesel Brassica elongata: elongated mustard Brassica fruticulosa: Mediterranean cabbage Brassica hilarionis: St. Brassica juncea: Indian mustard, brown and leaf mustards, Sarepta mustard

What is the Brassica rapa life cycle’?

Brassica rapa of the rapid cycling group (RCBr) possess an average life cycle of approximately 35 to 40 days when grown under continuous cool white fluorescent light. They were developed from brassicas with a normal 6 to 12 month life cycle by continuous genetic selection.

What does Brassica rapa mean?

Brassica rapa. A plant species cultivated for the seed used as animal feed and as a source of canola cooking oil.

What are the different parts of a Brassica flower?

PARTS OF BRASSICA FLOWER: (1) Calyx: This is the outermost whorl and consists of four free sepals. The sepals are light greenish in young flowers. (2) Corolla: Corolla is the second whorl of floral leaves. (3) Androecium: The androecium lies inside the petals. (4) Gynoecium: This is the inner most and the fourth whorl occupying a central position in the flower.


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