What is a CDBG entitlement community?

What is a CDBG entitlement community?

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program provides grants to entitled cities and counties to develop viable urban communities for low- and moderate-income persons.

What is a non entitlement program?

The Non-Entitlement competitive grant program component prioritizes assistance to persons experiencing or At risk of homelessness and investments that increase the supply of housing to households with incomes of 60 percent or less of area median income. An Applicant must be a Non-Entitlement Local Government.

What is an entitlement grant?

Entitlement grants provide funds to agencies based on a formula, prescribed in legislation or regulation, rather than based on a peer or project review. The formula is based on such factors as population, enrollment, per capita income, or a specific need such as free/reduced lunch student percentage.

Does CDBG require match?

Amounts expended on administration in excess of $100,000 must be matched. States may expend up to three percent of their CDBG allocation on technical assistance activities. However, the total a state spends on both administrative and technical assistance expenses may not exceed three percent of the state’s allocation.

How is CDBG distributed?

Approximately 70% of CDBG program funds are distributed to entitlement communities, defined as (1) principal metropolitan cities, (2) other cities with populations of 50,000 or greater, and (3) urban counties with populations of 200,000 or greater (excluding entitlement city populations).

What is code enforcement for CDBG program purposes?

Since, for CDBG program purposes, code enforcement is defined as the maintenance and preservation of the appearance of residential, commercial, and industrial properties, grantees are strongly encouraged to emphasize health and safety issues in buildings, including disaster-resistant provisions, in accordance with local building codes and applicable federal design standards and requirements.

Who is eligible for CSBG services?

The services and activities provided by CSBG Eligible Entities must serve low-income persons in urban and rural areas throughout the State who have incomes at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. In most cases, the services are provided through a one-stop service delivery system. Services and activities may include:

What are the United States entitlement programs?

Those base eligibility upon prior contributions from payroll taxes. The four major U.S. entitlement programs in the United States are Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and worker’s compensation. Instead, welfare programs are based on a family’s income.

What is a community service block grant?

The Community Services Block Grant ( CSBG ) provides U.S. federal funding for Community Action Agencies ( CAAs ) and other programs that seek to address poverty at the community level.


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