What is the work function of the metal formula?

What is the work function of the metal formula?

Their formula is W=−ϵF+Ws, where ϵF is the Fermi energy, a quantity determined by the density of electrons and the properties of the crystal lattice of the metal; you can work out reasonable approximations to this for alkali metals by using the free electron approximation.

What is work function and its unit?

The minimum energy needed for an electron to escape from the metal surface is called work function of that metal. It’s unit is electron volt (eV).

What is the value of the work function of the metal?

Work function of a metal is 3.0eV.

What is work function denoted by?

The minimum energy required for an electron to just escape from the metal surface is called “work function”. It is denoted by (ϕ0).

What is the work function of zinc in joules?

The work function of zinc is 6.63 x 10-19 J.

What is work function Class 11?

Work function is a property of a material, which is defined as the minimum quantity of energy which is required to remove an electron to infinity from the surface of a given solid.

What is the work function of silver?

Work Functions for Photoelectric Effect

Element Work Function(eV)
Silver 4.26-4.73*
Sodium 2.28, 2.36**
Uranium 3.6
Zinc 4.3

What is the unit of work function in photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric equation involves; h = the Plank constant 6.63 x 10-34 J s. f = the frequency of the incident light in hertz (Hz) φ = the work function in joules (J)

What is work function of metal and semiconductor?

The work function of the semiconductor is smaller than the metal so that electrons can move from semiconductor to metal, forming a contact potential. Adapted from Principles of Electronic Materials – S.O. Kasap. Figure 7: Schematic showing the metal, n-type semiconductor, and the Schottky junction between them.


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