What does revolutionary sentiment mean?

What does revolutionary sentiment mean?

a mental attitude modified or determined by feelingthere is a strong revolutionary sentiment in his country.

What does it mean when you say my sentiments exactly?

Definition of my sentiments exactly —used to express complete agreement “The lecture was interesting, but it was much too long.” “My sentiments exactly!”

What does it mean when someone says I appreciate the sentiment?

Person A says or does something that shows an amiable sentiment toward person B. Person B says, “I appreciate the sentiment”. That is like, “thank you for the gesture”.

What is an example of a sentiment?

The definition of a sentiment is a combination of beliefs and emotions that explains an action. An example of sentiment is someone being so patriotic that they decorate their house with many flags from their country. A general thought, feeling, or sense.

What is the difference between emotion and sentiment?

Sentiment and emotion are often used interchangeably, but are quite different. Emotion is a complex psychological state such as fear, anger, or happiness. Sentiment is a mental attitude produced by feelings. Emotions are raw, while sentiments are organized.

How do you use sentiment in a sentence?

Sentiment sentence example

  1. In the still, dark world in which I lived there was no strong sentiment or tenderness.
  2. One sentiment , fear for his life, possessed his whole being.
  3. But the particularistic sentiment continued to grow.

What is the difference between I love you and I appreciate you?

“You know I love you” can be manipulative, but ‘I appreciate you’ is often surprising and heartfelt. 4. Appreciation Heightens EVERYTHING — recent studies in gratitude, AKA appreciation, prove that when we are in a state of appreciation our physical, mental and emotional health drastically improves.

What to say when someone appreciates you?

You can respond to appreciation by saying “thank you” or “I appreciate you,” which both have the same meaning. The common phrase used in response is “Thank You.”

What is sentiment in social media?

Enter: Social media sentiment. Social media sentiment is the attitude and feelings people have about your brand on social media. It adds context to all the @-mentions, comments, and shares. To figure out where you stand on the positive/negative spectrum, you need to analyze these conversions.

How is the word sentiment used in a sentence?

The people are renowned for their deep religious sentiment. 22. His speech loosed a tide of nationalist sentiment. He was more in touch with public sentiment than many of his critics.


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