What is known as hepatitis?

What is known as hepatitis?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The condition can be self-limiting or can progress to fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Is hepatitis A disease or infection?

Hepatitis A is usually a short-term infection and does not become chronic. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can begin as short-term, acute infections, but they also have the potential to lead to chronic disease and long-term liver problems. There are effective vaccines to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

What is the main causes of hepatitis?

Common causes of hepatitis are viruses, infections, alcohol, drugs, toxins, and others. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It can occur due to a variety of factors, but the most common cause is a virus infection. Hepatitis can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) and can have fatal complications.

What is hepatitis in microbiology?

Hepatitis A virus (HAV), classified as hepatovirus, is a small, unenveloped symmetrical RNA virus which shares many of the characteristics of the picornavirus family, and is the cause of infectious or epidemic hepatitis transmitted by the fecal-oral route.

What is hepatitis introduction?

Hepatitis A Introduction: Hepatitis A is an acute viral disease of the liver that is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. The virus is excreted in the stool of an infected person and can be passed person-to-person or through contaminated food and water. Hepatitis A rarely causes long-term liver damage or death.

How is hepatitis diagnosed?

Blood Tests Your doctor draws a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm and sends it to a laboratory for testing. The results of a blood test can confirm the type of viral hepatitis, the severity of the infection, whether an infection is active or dormant, and whether a person is currently contagious.

Is Hep B bacterial?

Hepatitis can be caused by many things such as a physical injury, bacterial infections, adverse drug interactions, and viruses. There are currently 5 viruses identified (hepatitis A, B, C, D and E) that specifically attack the liver and cause “viral hepatitis” or inflammation of the liver due to a virus.

What is pathogenesis of hepatitis?

Pathogenesis. Pathogenesis. Hepatitis B virus is dangerous because it attacks the liver, thus inhibiting the functions of this vital organ. The virus causes persistent infection, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and immune complex disease.

What is the most dangerous form of hepatitis?

Of the viral causes of hepatitis, hepatitis A, B, and C are the most common. There are also two other forms known as hepatitis D and hepatitis E. Hepatitis C is the most serious of the more common viral types, says Dr. Gulati.

What is the difference between hepatitis A, B and C?

Spread of the Disease. Hepatitis A virus characteristically spreads through the ingestion of contaminated food and water whereas Hepatitis B,C and D usually take place due to parenteral contact

  • Natural History.
  • Signs and Symptoms.
  • Complications.
  • What is the most common type of hepatitis?

    There are several types of hepatitis viruses including types A, B, C, D, E, and possibly G. Types A, B, and C are the most common. All hepatitis viruses can cause acute hepatitis. Viral hepatitis types B and C can cause chronic hepatitis.

    Which type of hepatitis is not curable?

    Chronic hepatitis B is not curable, but it is treatable. The goal of therapy is to reduce the risk of complications, including premature death.


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