Are NIH 3T3 cells immortalized?
Are NIH 3T3 cells immortalized?
Established in 1963 by scientists George Todardo and Howard Green, the NIH3T3 cell line was derived from mouse embryonic fibroblasts. The cells spontaneously immortalized and were named after their culturing protocol, “3-day transfer, inoculum 3×105 cells”.
Where do 3T3 cells come from?
The original 3T3 cell line (3T3-Swiss albino) was established in 1962 by two scientists then at the Department of Pathology in the New York University School of Medicine, George Todaro and Howard Green. Todaro and Green originally obtained their 3T3 cells from Swiss albino mouse embryo tissue.
What is BALB 3T3 cells?
Cell lines developed from disaggregated BALB/c mouse embryos. They are extremely sensitive to CONTACT INHIBITION, and highly susceptible to transformation by SV40 VIRUS and murine sarcoma virus (SARCOMA VIRUSES, MURINE).
Can 3T3 cells grow in suspension?
3T3 cells do not grow in Methocel suspension culture, while other permanent cell lines do. The viability of 3T3 cells in suspension remains unchanged for at least three days with respect to plating efficiency, vital staining and resumption of normal growth when transferred into monolayer culture.
Why are 3T3 cells used?
NIH 3T3 cell line has been used to: study calcium-mediated actin reset (CaAR) in response to physiological changes. determine the viral titer of the retroviral construct -ST40hTNFα study the effects of activation of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 3 channel (TRPV3) on adipocyte differentiation.
Why are NIH 3T3 cells used?
Reversible immortalization: NIH 3T3 cells were used as a control in a study of reversible immortalization of mammalian cells using an oncogene. Scientists were able to determine that the oncogene provided immortalization, and then, once excised, cells reverted to their pre-immortalization characteristics.
Are 3T3 cells stem cells?
Due to their expression of stem cell markers and the capacity to become chondrocytes and osteoblasts, NIH/3T3 cells may constitute a population of processor cells for bone and cartilage.
How long does it take 3T3 cells to adhere?
NIH3T3 cells have a doubling rate of 20-26 hours and should be cultured in a plastic flask (i.e. they do not adhere well to certain types of glass).
How do you prepare a freeze medium?
Prepare freezing medium and store at 2° to 8°C until use. Note that the appropriate freezing medium depends on the cell line. For adherent cells, gently detach cells from the tissue culture vessel following the procedure used during the subculture. Resuspend the cells in complete medium required for that cell type.
How do you split 3T3 cells?
To passage NIH 3T3 cells, split them either 1:10 or 1:20, meaning if 1 ml of T-EDTA was used, transfer either 100 µl (1:10), or 50 µl (1:20) to a new plate with fresh complete media on it (10 ml for a p100).