Can 97530 and 92507 be billed together?

Can 97530 and 92507 be billed together?

Although not all code pairs are explicitly listed in the CCI edits, Chapter 11, Section H-2 of the Medicare NCCI Policy Manual states that SLPs can’t report “CPT codes 97110, 97112, 97150, 97530, 97129 as unbundled services included in the services coded as 92507, 92508, or 92526”.

Does CPT code 92507 need a modifier?

Procedure codes 92507, 92526, 92630, 92633, and 97535 require modifier GN. Speech therapy treatment will be denied when billed by any provider on the same day as a speech therapy evaluation or reevaluation.

Can 92507 and 97110 be billed together?

CPT 92507 – Treatment of speech Speech language pathologists may perform services coded as CPT codes 92507, 92508, or 92526. They do not perform services coded as CPT codes 97110, 97112, 97150, or 97530 which are generally performed by physical or occupational therapists.

What does CPT code 97530 mean?

CPT code 97530 requires “use of dynamic activities to improve functional performance. Examples of such activities include lifting, pushing, pulling, reaching, throwing, etc.” Billing this code also requires direct, one on one contact, billed in 15-minute increments.

What is the CPT code 92507?

CPT code 92507 (treatment of speech-language services) is very comprehensive and generally includes all components of treatment.

Can you Bill 92507 twice a day?

Additionally, treatment codes may be subject to Medicare’s Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs), which specify how many times a code may be billed per date of service. For instance, the MUE for CPT 92507 prevents this code from being billed more than once in a day.

Does CPT 97530 require a modifier?

97530-CO x 2 The occupational therapist performed one 15-minute unit alone, so no modifier is needed.

Is 92507 a timed code?

Most speech-language pathology codes do not have time units assigned to them, such as 92507 (speech-language treatment). If no time is noted in the descriptor, each code counts as one session.


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