Can a child have Down syndrome and not look like it?

Can a child have Down syndrome and not look like it?

Some of the children with Mosaic Down syndrome that we know do not actually look as if they have Down syndrome – the usual physical features are not obvious. This raises some important and difficult social issues and identity issues for both parents and children, which parents have discussed with us.

How do I know if my child has Down syndrome?

Parents who think their child may have Down syndrome may notice the slanting eyes, flat-appearing face, or low muscle tone. Babies with Down syndrome may seem floppy in activity, and they may take longer to hit developmental milestones. These can include sitting up, crawling, or walking.

Does Down syndrome come from Mom or Dad?

One chromosome in each pair comes from your father, the other from your mother. Down syndrome results when abnormal cell division involving chromosome 21 occurs. These cell division abnormalities result in an extra partial or full chromosome 21.

What does a child with Down Syndrome look like?

At birth, babies with Down syndrome are often the same size as other babies, but they tend to grow more slowly. Because they often have less muscle tone, they may seem floppy and have trouble holding their heads up, but this usually gets better with time.

What is it like having a child with Down syndrome?

Having a baby with Down syndrome means that you’ll have lots of sleepless nights, crying, poopy diapers, and maybe the occasional spit-up. You’ll also have snuggles, cute little gummy smiles, and that great feeling when they hold your hand.

What are facts about Down syndrome?

People with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of the typical 46.

  • Down syndrome is not an illness or disease (you can’t catch it),it is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome.
  • It is Down syndrome,not Downs,and people have Down syndrome they are not Down syndrome.
  • How does Down syndrome affects kids?

    Down syndrome will affect the development of all children born with the condition, to some degree, causing delays in learning. However, according to the Down’s Syndrome Association, with early intervention and proper training, children with Down syndrome can grow up to lead productive lives.


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