Can I read Wuthering Heights for free?

Can I read Wuthering Heights for free?

Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte. Read it now for Free! (Homepage)

Is Wuthering Heights easy to read?

Wuthering Heights is a more difficult book to understand than Jane Eyre, because Emily was a greater poet than Charlotte. When Charlotte wrote she said with eloquence and splendour and passion “I love”, “I hate”, “I suffer”. Her experience, though more intense, is on a level with our own.

What reading level is Wuthering Heights?

Wuthering Heights

Interest Level Grade 6 – Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 6
Genre Fiction, Young Adult
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand First Avenue Classics ™

Is Wuthering Heights public domain?

Wuthering Heights is available free online because it is in the public domain: the work was not originally copyrighted, the registered copyright has expired, or the author has been dead for more than 100 years; like the Bible and the works of Shakespeare, the book is considered to belong to the public.

Was Wuthering Heights banned?

There is little evidence that Wuthering Heights was officially a banned book (outside of an occasional high school curriculum), but it was certainly…

What does go to the deuce mean?

An exclamation used to emphasize surprise, shock, or bafflement. (“Deuce” is a minced oath in place of the word “devil.”) Just what the deuce is going on here?

What age should read Wuthering Heights?

Book Information

ISBN: 9780192733429
Author: Emily Bronte
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: Hardback
Suitable for: 11+ readers, 13+ readers

What is the genre of Wuthering Heights?

Romance novelGothic fictionTragedy
Wuthering Heights/Genres
Wuthering Heights is a Gothic novel. Gothic novels usually feature supernatural elements, ominous settings, and threats to young women, often involving imprisonment in an isolated mansion.

How do I find out if a book is copyright free?

Practically, you can confirm this by contacting the publisher listed in the book, if possible. Library of Congress and the US Copyright Office work in conjunction to create a searchable database for books. For books published after 1975, you can visit

How do I find public domain books?

Books & Texts

  1. Google Books Search (Prior to 1925)
  2. Project Gutenberg.
  3. Authorama Public Domain Books.
  4. Hathi Trust Digital Library.
  6. Internet Archive Ebooks and Texts.
  7. Wikipedia Guide to Public Domain Resources.
  8. GOVInfo: U.S. Government Documents.


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