Can I use Google maps for my project?

Can I use Google maps for my project?

You can use the Google Maps Platform within your applications as long as your site meets the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

Is Google Maps API free to use?

The API is available for developers that have a free Google Maps API key. Usage of the API is not strictly free, but they do offer $200 of free monthly usage for most users. The pricing scales to fit your particular needs and you are only charged for your API usage.

How do I use Google Maps API in my project?

  1. See the Google Maps Platform APIs and SDKs that you can enable by going to the Maps API Library page in the Cloud Console: Go to the Maps API Library page.
  2. Click the API or SDK you want to enable. If the button says ENABLE, click the button to enable the API or SDK.

How do you code Google Maps?

Get the embed code:

  1. Go to Google maps. In the Search Google Maps text box, type in the address of the location you want to display on your web page.
  2. When the map appears, click on the Share icon.
  3. Select the Embed tab on the Share window.
  4. Click on Copy HTML.

How do I get a Google Maps API key?

Go to the Google Maps Platform > Credentials page. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key. Click Close.

Does uber use Google Maps API?

Uber originally started with the Google Maps API. They later switched to MapBox because of confusion related to the pricing of the Google Maps API. However, when Google simplified its Maps API pricing , Uber was more than happy to switch back to the most widely used Maps API and that’s what they use currently.

What is my Google Maps API key?

A Google Maps API key is a personal code provided by Google to access Google Maps on this site. Your API key provides you with a free quota of Google Map queries. Your Google account will be automatically billed for any usage that exceeds your quota.

How many requests are free in Google Maps API?

You can have up to 2,500 free directions requests per day and the cost for additional requests is $0.50 USD per 1000 additional requests, up to 100,000 daily.

Is Google Maps API easy to use?

Google responded by releasing the first version of its API, or application programming interface, making it easy for anyone to embed Google Maps in their Web pages using simple, familiar JavaScript. The API provides a framework, and what you do with it is entirely up to you.

How do I get my Google Maps API key?


  1. Go to the How do I get a new API key?
  2. Select GET A KEY.
  3. If you are not already logged in, log in to your Google account.
  4. On the An Enable All Maps and Places APIs/SDKs and Get a Key dialog box, click Select or create project > My Project.
  5. To accept the Google Maps Terms of Service, click Yes.
  6. Click ENABLE API.

How do I access Google API?

To enable an API for your project:

  1. Go to the API Console.
  2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
  3. If the APIs & services page isn’t already open, open the console left side menu and select APIs & services, and then select Library.
  4. Click the API you want to enable.
  5. Click ENABLE.


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