Can Stomach Problems Cause right shoulder pain?

Can Stomach Problems Cause right shoulder pain?

When your gallbladder is inflamed and swollen, it irritates your phrenic nerve. Your phrenic nerve stretches from the abdomen, through the chest, and into your neck. Each time you eat a fatty meal, it aggravates the nerve and causes referred pain in your right shoulder blade.

Can gastritis give you shoulder pain?

Stomach pain that gets worse or moves to the lower right belly (appendix area) Chest pain that appears or gets worse, or spreads to the back, neck, shoulder, or arm. Frequent vomiting (can’t keep down liquids)

What does pain in the upper right shoulder mean?

The most common cause of right shoulder and arm pain is an issue with your rotator cuff, such as tendinitis or bursitis. Other potential causes include fractures, arthritis, and cervical radiculopathy.

What does shoulder pain from gallbladder feel like?

When there is a gall bladder disease such as inflammation of the gall bladder with resulting swelling, the phrenic nerve gets irritated. In addition to the local pain in the abdomen, especially following fatty meals, a dull pain is felt in the right shoulder.

Why does liver cause shoulder pain?

How you ask? Well the phrenic nerve that goes to the liver comes from the neck and has some nerve branches that got to the shoulder and the shoulder blade. When nerves enter the spinal cord, they all go into the same part so when you affect one nerve lower down, it affects the nerve higher up!

Can gastritis cause upper right back pain?

Upper abdominal pain is the primary symptom of gastritis. The pain may be felt just underneath the breast bone, in the left upper portion of the abdomen and in the back. The pain may also radiate from the front of the abdomen towards the back.

Can acid reflux cause pain under right shoulder blade?

The primary symptom is acid reflux (also known as heartburn), which is felt as a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach or in the middle of the chest beneath the breastbone. Sometimes pain can be felt between the shoulder blades or in the jaw or teeth.

Why does the top of my shoulder hurt?

Shoulder pain can occur due to age or activity related issues such as arthritis. Pain on the top of the shoulder can also start following an injury. The most common type of injury which causes pain on the top of the shoulder is a fall directly on the side of the shoulder.

Why do my shoulders hurt?

The most common causes of pain in both shoulders include the following. Tension in the muscles of your neck and shoulder: Tension is likely due to stress or poor posture. You’re more likely to have poor posture if you spend long hours sitting at a desk or bending over a table or an assembly line.

What is epigastric distress?

Epigastric pain is a name for pain or discomfort right below your ribs in the area of your upper abdomen. It often happens alongside other common symptoms of your digestive system. These symptoms can include heartburn, bloating, and gas.


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