How do I open port 80 on Windows XP?

How do I open port 80 on Windows XP?


  1. Open the file: [app-path]\server\
  2. Enable port 80 (and 443) by changing the appropriate settings from N to a Y. They should look like:
  3. Change the server port in all providers installed on your network.
  4. Change the server port in the User Client.
  5. Restart the Application Server.

How do I open Device Manager in Windows XP?

Windows XP

  1. From the Start menu, select My Computer. Alternatively, double-click My Computer on the desktop.
  2. Under “System Tasks”, click View system information.
  3. In the System Properties window, click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.

How do I open a port in command prompt?

Open an elevated command prompt. Type the following command: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”TCP Port 6624″ dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=6624 . Modify the appropriate values to match your app, e.g. the port number, the rule name, the protocol (TCP or UDP).

How do I find out my computer port?

How to find your port number on Windows

  1. Type “Cmd” in the search box.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Enter the “netstat -a” command to see your port numbers.

Which command is used to access port 80 directly?

telnet command
HTTP Protocol Basics HTTP is a plaintext protocol. Thereby, simulating a browser and testing access through port 80 using the telnet command becomes simple.

How do I turn off Windows Firewall in XP?

Windows XP firewall (Without SP2)

  1. Click Start,
  2. Control Panel,
  3. double–click Network Connections,
  4. right-click the desired connection,
  5. Properties,
  6. Advanced tab,
  7. Under Internet Connection Firewall,
  8. uncheck the “Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet” check box.

How do I check my hardware on Windows XP?

Open Start. Search for dxdiag and click the top result to open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Click on the System tab. Under the “System information” section, check the computer tech specs, including processor, memory, BIOS or UEFI version, system model and manufacturer, Windows 10 version and edition, and more.

How do I access Device Manager?

First, open “Settings” by clicking the gear icon in the “Start” menu or by pressing Windows+I. In “Settings,” navigate to System > About, then scroll down and click “Device Manager.” You can also search for “Device Manager” within “Settings,” then click the link that appears. Have fun managing your devices!


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